
Headline, June08, 2013



It is believed that Kevin initially approached them looking for work repairing cars. Soon, however, he was seen visiting local pubs with the couple, who were quick to spot the weakness and vulnerability in their new ''friend''.

Although Kevin's story is heart wrenching in its view and feel, his tormentors were such grotesque individuals that they almost seem like caricatures in a slasher B-movie. Take Scott Andrews, the lodger who joined in with his persecution: an ex-soldier, he had been the victim of an unprovoked attack in Gloucester, which resulted in the left side of his face being paralysed, he was unable to close one eye, and his speech was impaired.

As for their abysmal lifestyle, it verged on the darkly comedic. Baggus, for instance, drove Robin Reliant. One day,  it is thought and narrated that Kevin opened the door to the car while it was moving and the vehicle toppled over, denting the bodywork and causing damage estimated £350. It must have been amusing incident to the witness, yet it was an event with profound repercussions.

Baggus blamed Kevin for the accident and and demanded that he moved in with her and Lehane, so that he could do household chores to work off the debt. once he moved in, the abuse became more serious and systematic. treated like below-stairs servant or indentured slave, during the day he was forced to wash and clean the house and perform any task the couple saw fit. From around 10pm to lunchtime the next day, he was locked away, and as the prosecutor said at the trial, ''kept like a dog''. To ensure his compliance he was regularly beaten and tortured.

The night Kevin Died, police officers came to 14 Badgers Way to take statements from Baggus and Lehane. Although the couple told them that he had arrived that night looking for somewhere to stay and had collapsed at the door, evidence was soon discovered that made mockery of their claims. 

The first item was a small blue A6 notebook, in which Baggus had kept a diary recording events at the house, In a neat, childlike handwriting, was a bizarre and unsettling account of both the banality of everyday life and horrific litany of sadistic abuse. Herewith two snippets:
3 July: Kevin came in here, Have given him no food, just drink. Dave smacked him one.
21 July: Wanted to make sure that Kevin had had a good night by getting Dave to beat him up.
Fearing that they would be held accountable for hurting Kevin, his captors had recorded a ''hostage video''. Bare footed and shaven-haired, Kevin looks so painfully thin and emotionally distressed that even his family would have struggled to recognise him. The video was recorded in two parts and, in the interim, it is evident that Kevin was beaten.

Detective Chief Inspector Geoff Brookes, an officer with more than 20 years experience, remembers as such : ''If you are in the police service and investigate crime, you tend to think nothing will surprise you because you have seen the worst characteristics of human behaviour. But this case really was shocking as it was exceptional.

The trio, who sat next to each other in the dock, showed little emotion as they were sentenced, Baggus and Lehane for 10 years imprisonment, Andrews for nine.
So, does Kevin's death say something greater about the state, structure and values of the Modern Society?

Respectful dedication to the stark fact : That We Are All Guilty!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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