
Children 'more likely to have can of pop than eat enough fruit and vegetables'

Children are more likely to have a can of a sugary drink a day than eat five portions of fruit and vegetables, and the vast majority have less than an hour's exercise, according to a new report.

The British Heart Foundation is very concerned that the lifestyles of modern children are setting them up for serious health problems in later life. Large numbers are in danger of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) as adults if they continue to skip meals and sport in favour of watching TV and drinking fizzy drinks, it says.

The data, published on Monday, suggests there has been little improvement in eating, drinking and exercise habits in spite of the concern about obesity and the launch of the government's child measurement programme, which warns parents if their children are overweight. About a third of under-16s across the UK are either overweight or obese.

The report, produced in partnership with the BHF health promotion research group at Oxford University, shows that 80% of children in England are not eating the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Data from Scotland suggests they are more likely to eat crisps, biscuits or chocolates and sweets once a day or more (38%, 40% and 49% respectively).

Children also love their fizzy drinks – 39% of girls and 43% of boys get through a can a day. One can of cola contains up to nine teaspoonfuls of sugar, the BHF says.

A lot of snacking goes on, but children are apt to skip the most important meal of the day – breakfast – says the report. Almost half (47%) of boys and over a third (36%) of girls aged 13 go without it.

And the sedentary lifestyle has now taken over. At the age of 13, few are very active. Some 85% of girls and 73% of boys say they do not do even an hour's physical activity a day, which is the recommended minimum. Nearly three-quarters of 13-year-olds (68% of girls and 74% of boys) say they watch at least two hours of TV on a week day, leaving less time for sport and physical activity. Around a quarter of children (23% of boys and 25% of girls) spend at least six hours sitting down on Saturday and Sunday.

- theguardian.com


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