
Headline, August08, 2013


Just how evolved are you? What makes humans human? Its an investigation into the depths of human brain that broaches more questions than it answers.
Are all humans equally evolved?.....(No)  Could we someday change that? (Yes).................But do we want to?

''One question that I have been asked many times is whether one could conclude from our data that Europeans and Middle Easterners are somehow more evolved than the others. I think this is a false and a dangerous assumption for a few reasons:

First, we don't know the true biological and cognitive effects of having these new variants. We know they are associated with a significant advantage, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they make a person smarter. More, even if we assume that having the new variants of ASPM and microcephalin may on average make a person smarter, those are just two genes of many  -perhaps a few dozen-  that are driving brain evolution. We are a long way of knowing who has what. In the end it could all come out in a wash.

Nevertheless, our research does pose some serious social and moral questions. In ten or twenty years we may identify more genes that contribute to cognitive differences among humans, and we may indeed find that some populations on average have more of the advantageous variants in these genes. So how are we going to use this information? And should we even be going after that information??

I have no doubt my research could be used as ammunition by people who have argued in the past that this line of research shouldn't be done. But I think that eventually  ''knowledge will triumph over ignorance''.
We're talking about learning the basic knowledge ourselves. We've already acquired the ability to change our environment in  a way our ancestors could only dream of.

And now we are unlocking the tools to change our own genetic makeup. In practice there are definitely scenarios that you and I wouldn't desire. But in principle it doesn't have to be scary. I believe that if knowledge is the direction that evolution is going to take us, then we should embrace it. We shouldn't reject the possibility simply because it makes us uncomfortable.''

So, in not too distant a future,  - a part of it very much in your life time-  you will have a fresh new specie design of Students. All glittering, blue and gold. All Students, highly intelligent, super capable, all highly determined to send the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless soaring into space. Of course, through its great emissary, Sam Daily Times  -the voice of the voiceless.
Life on other planets will have an Honor on their hand!! Till then.........>?!

With respectful dedication to all the Students, Professors and Teachers of Norway. See ya all on the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless :  ''THE MIRACLE SOLUTION''

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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