
Headline, September02, 2013




The ever lasting beauty is that : Sam Daily Times is basically a global romance, a love affair. When you contribute and support its daily operations, you enlighten your legacy for the generations, for the future generations.

When you sacrifice for Sam Daily Times, you're the boss and can be as personal as you want it to be. You're more than an independent professional in the making, you're the Hero. 
And whether you are a medical student, an engineering student, a multimedia student, an accounting student.........

And whether you are anything or everything in between, you now have a resource and a voice on the web. A helpful, kind, caring place that is your identity and introduction to the world.
This is your greatest chance to '''Market Yourself'' to lots of companies. To lots of great companies'     

So, Get In And Get Known.

Sam Daily Times. Blogspot. Com : ''' ! The Voice Of The Voiceless ! ''' is the Joy and ownership  of  The World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless. And,
!WOW! lives in the moment while protecting your tomorrow.

Sam Daily Times + Students is a project in Creativity, Respect and Common Vision. The objective to remember is that you ''never'' need to value Sam Daily Times worth in terms of how big its kingdom is. Value it based  on the impact it's having.  That's what you need.  So let's see what are we made of? So let's see what we can accomplish?

For now and for the future, we need to have a plan that can help clear all the operational burdens right off your mind. 
Think teamwork  -that much for sure is given. But what does it take to make a team work? Shared vision or a shared space? Lofty goals or practical realism?

Size is the key. Think small. Ideally your team should never exceed 05 to 07 students at the very very most. The connection between team members are just too hard to make.

One tested leader recounts his experience : ''Some years ago, AOL, was feeling hamstrung at the technology level. There was a bottleneck at the top.  We decided to make that division team based, and created core teams that were empowered to make decisions about products. It was the best thing that we could have done. The core teams spun off satellite teams  -(also made up of small group of people)-  that focused on specific projects, with specific goals and expectations.

The management challenge is to understand that the people who report to you may get most of their directions from another person or from several other people: their team leaders. And people can be on more than one team, of course, it's the leader's job to think about whether  -this person is being stretched too thin, or whether this person needs some special support and training.

Size is the key. Have the smallest number of people possible on each team. You need a team for each operational need: For example, Marketing team, Content generation team, Publishing team, Interaction managing team, ads generation team, Receivables team, etc etc. Another rule: no delegates. You don't want people who have to take the team's ideas back to someone else to get authorization. You want the decision makers.

There are Seven Key ingredients to building a team. Number one, the mission must be clearly defined and articulated and everybody has to understand it. That includes an understanding of the project's purpose, the strategy for getting the work accomplished, the ultimate goal, the benefits the students will receive if the goal is met, the measurement system that's going to be used, and how differences of opinion for other conflicts are going to be handled.

Number two, all team members have to be positive thinkers. A team just can't function with an excuse driven  ''no-one-can'' do member on board.

Number three, selfish people spell doom for a team effort.

Number four, each team member must have enough self-confidence and self-respect to respect other team members.

Number five, the team leader must always be on the lookout for distractions, tangents, and unproductive ancillary issues. If the leader spots that the project is going astray, it's his or her responsibility to get it back on track.

Number six, each member must trust the motives of the other members.

Number seven, the team has to be as small as possible. If you have more people then are absolutely necessary on a team, members will start functioning like a committee.

Remember, no project can ever succeed without these seven ingredients.

Surface without form is nothing. There must be something below the surface that molds it, turning it into something of a beauty. See ya all on Sam Daily Times. And,

In the days ahead, I hope to keep adding knowledge and experience to this Post. Hopefully, it should make a good and important part of the Operating manual of Sam Daily Times.

If you all succeed, and build a great Newspaper, The future generations, it seems, will forever be in your debt!!
So, why miss attempting great things!! Let's then get in sync.

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of Iraq. See ya all on the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless : ''Taking Action''

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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