Research has also that shown that it makes a big difference whether a small child is constantly talked to and stimulated in various ways or is just laid down to vegetate somewhere, while her mother watches her soap operas or sleeps off a hangover.
It is just not a matter of what information is conveyed to the child. Constant interaction, even with low-I.Q. adults, has been shown to improve a child's I.Q. It is not what they convey to him but what they stimulate in him.
The physical development of the brain itself is greater in children who have much interaction and many things to think about, however simple those things may be. In the crucial early years especially, you have to use it or lose it.
Painful as it is to think of all the individuals and groups who have lost golden opportunities because of these and numerous other differences beyond their control, the only thing worse than thinking about it is refusing to think about it. A grand pretense, endlessly repeated does not become a hard fact.
The tendency to explain differences by either genetics or discrimination ignores very large differences that cannot be attributed to either. Numerous visitors to the antebellum South wrote, either publicly or privately, of the great differences between southern whites and northern whites.
These differences ranged from church services to sex, from child-rearing to alcohol consumption, from entrepreneurship to violence. Yet whites in the two sections of the country were of the same race, language, religion and legal status.
Nevertheless, their differences extended across a broad spectrum, including the per capita rate of inventions patented, which was several times as high outside the South. Many 19th century writers, including de Tocqueville, attribute these differences to the concentration of the slavery in the south.
But the two groups of white who settled in different regions of the United States came from different regions of Britain, where the same differences existed long before either of them had any slaves.
Slavery is not a magic answer to historic questions, either for whites or blacks. Only the prevailing refusal to acknowledge that some cultures are far more effective than others leads us to grasp desperately for such all purpose explanations of performance differences, including genetics or discrimination.
With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of Russia See Ya all on the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless
!!! ''' Been There. Done That ''' !!!
Good Night & God Bless!
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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