
Headline, November22, 2013




The Swipe, pinch and zoom to the courtroom raised eyebrows among techies and lawyers alike:

The jury in San Jose concluded that Samsung had violated several of Apple's utility patents covering things such as bounce and scrolling, which makes such things as on-screen icons and web pages rebound if swiped too far, and tap-to-zoom functionality, which makes it easy to zero in on, say, an image or a map.

It also said that the South Korean company had copied the overall look of the iPhone, including the rounded corners of icons, thus breaching several of Apple's design patents. To add insult to injury, the jurors tossed out the South Korean firm's claim that Apple had  ripped off some of its own innovations.

Not long after a jury in the Californian city of San Jose concluded that Samsung should pay Apple just over $1 billion in damages for infringing six of the American firm's software and design patents.....!
Stills from a year-old sitcom episode, in which a character demonstrates an absurd triangular tablet computer, began  recirculating on the Internet. The images were being used to poke fun at the jury's ruling that the South Korean firm had copied the shape of Apple's wildly popular iPhone, which (like most) is rectangular with curved corners.

The titanic struggle between the two giants, which has led to one of the biggest penalties for patent violations in legal history, is far from over. Just later, Apple said it wanted Lucy Koh, the judge presiding ver the case, to ban the sale in America of eight of Samsung's smartphones.

Samsung, then began trying to persuade the judge overturn the jury's overall verdict, said it would  ''take all necessary measures'' to keep its products on sale. Judge Koh, scheduled a hearing just after, to review an existing ban on sales in America of a version of Samsung's Galaxy Tab tablet computer.

The case in question, began to exhibit big implications for the tech industry, which is facing a tsunami of patent-related lawsuits. It just shows how patents covering the look and feel of the devices are increasingly being  ''weaponised'' by their holders.

It highlights the propensity of juries to award huge damages in intellectual property disputes. And it will give added ammunition to those who feel that the current system of granting and policing tech patents in America needs to be overhauled.

The legal battle between Samsung and Apple is also intriguing because the arch enemies work closely together. Samsung is one of the biggest suppliers of components such as memory chips for Apple's gadgets.

But its phones and tablets, which so far have used Google's Android operating system, compete head on with Apple's iPhones, and iPad tablets. The tension between the two firms have grown as competition in the smartphone arena has intensified.

Gartner, a research firm, says that more than half of the smartphones shipped worldwide in the second quarter run on Android. Apple's late boss, Steve Jobs, promised a ''thermonuclear war'' against what he saw as Android's systematic copying of Apple features.

Samsung has been leading the charge of the Androids. To counter it Apple has launched a bombardment of lawsuits against its rival around the world, claiming that Samsung's various devices breach various patents it holds.

On the day that the jury in San Jose delivered its ruling, a court in South Korea hearing a similar case said that both firms were guilty of patent violations against the other and banned some of their devices from sale in the country. But since America is the world's largest market for consumer electronics, the Californian ruling went on to stir a far greater impact.

Professor Brian Love, of Santa Clara University, gets to heart of the problem and sums up best : ''The jurors tend to have a gut reaction against patent violators and therefore often award damages that are vastly higher than the economic harm that has been done. Experienced judges tend to see things in a  more nuanced light.''

With respectful dedication to the Consumers, and Students of the world. See Ya all on the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

'''!!! Something Amazing Is Coming !!!'''

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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