
Headline, December18, 2013



The World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless is owned by every single student in the world:

No matter what function and form !WOW! adopts in the honour of its service in serving humanity.

!WOW! 's founders and present  ''Trustees'' are the students of Pakistan. They are bestowed with the Honorific : The Samurai.

They hold all access as a ''sacred trust''  of every student in the world 

Sam Daily Times is the ownership and publication of !WOW!


The stark reality is that,    -We are, in fact, members of a community drawn by modern science,  and new forms of communication into a proximity for which we are still politically unprepared.

Technology daily outstrips the ability of every single Institution to cope with its fruits.

Our political imagination must catchup with our Scientific Vision.

So, with this in mind, i have the honour to set forth a philosophical view of the relationship between !WOW! and the march forward.   

The World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless , lovingly named,  !WOW!  is pleased to announce and solicit on  global basis, a nomination for the exalted post and the entailed  honour as a ''caretaker President''.

Every country, students,professors and teachers from every country in the world are hereby invited to submit the name of at least one candidate,   - through email,  alongwith his CV and antecedents before the 28 Jan,2014,  -midnight, Pakistan Standard Time.

This honour and opportunity is meant for both genders.

''The Caretaker President'', as a candidate,  must meet the following criteria:

1/  Should not be below the age of 21, and not above the age of 60 at the time of nomination.

2/  He/She should be formally skilled in Management of Men & Organisations.

3/  He/She should be unique in the sweep of his/her imagination.

4/  He/She should be willing to volunteer his/her time and :

5/  And conceptualize a  ''Rationalization Plan'' : That is to have the psychological discernment to set the objectives within the psychological capacities of the students.

5a/ Each step must show that we could achieve results. (Thereby each advance would build confidence. And make further steps easier).

a/  He/She should know his own worth.

b/  He/She should be able to articulate the main themes of the Vision

c/  He/She should be skilled on generating thoughtful memoranda.

d/  He/She should help translate the concept into policy and Hold Free, Fair and Transparent Elections:

To elect the first global president for the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless by end year, 2014. 


e/  He/She should have the courage to match the ambitions of !WOW!

f/    He/She should have a  ''loathing''  for conventional work ethic.

With respectful dedication to all the Students, Professors and Teachers of the World. 

See Ya all on !WOW! the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

'''Ambitious To Do '''

Samurai to move this post later, to !WOW!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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