
LA to give every student an iPad; $30M order

NEW YORK (AP) — Los Angeles' school system, the second largest in the United States, is ordering iPads for all its students, handing Apple a major success in its quest to make the tablet computer a replacement for textbooks.

The Los Angeles Board of Education on Tuesday approved the purchase of $30 million worth of iPads as the first part of a multi-year commitment. It found that the iPad was the least expensive option that met its specifications.

The initial order is for more than 31,000 iPads, Apple said. The Los Angeles Unified School District has more than 640,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

The textbooks will be delivered through an application from Pearson, a major publisher, rather than through Apple's own iBooks. Apple and its publisher partners launched a suite of textbooks for iBooks in early 2012.

World cities improving energy efficiency: report

AFP - Some of the world's largest cities are improving their energy efficiency, a report said Thursday, while nations struggle to forge a global response to climate change.

Cities are taking action to reduce their carbon emissions and better manage their water strategy, said a report by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which runs a platform for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share environmental information.

The 110-city report from the London-based organisation follows the G8 summit of world leaders hosted by Britain this week.

Los Angeles led the way, managing annual energy savings of $13 million (9.85 million euros) -- largely by retro-fitting traffic signals and street lights --followed by Washington and Las Vegas with $6.3 million, the CDP found.

Over 100 students, teachers trapped in floods in China

Beijing: Over 100 students and teachers have been trapped in a school in northwest China after flood triggered by rainstorm washed away the only bridge linking the building to the outside world.

Over 100 students and teachers at the Maiji Junior Middle School in Gansu Province are currently trapped in their school due to flood, official media reported on Thursday.

They are safe and have enough food for two to three days, state-run Xinhua news agency said.

The students and teachers remained trapped after the school, located in a mountainous area, was isolated by a rainstorm-triggered flood that washed away the only bridge linking the school to the outside world, the provincial education department said.

The flood waters have started to retreat and will not threaten the safety of the trapped people, but the school's gate and some of its walls were destroyed in the storm battering the city since Wednesday, the report said.

Headline, June21, 2013



We've moved on from the laughing-stock days, surely? Remember those,  -when initial enjoyment succumbed to pangs of doubt, hardened inexorably into contempt, and then softened into something like pity? Pity because, yes, they were still at it and, no, they hadn't stopped banging on about models, catwalks, flashbulbs and strange chivalrous quests to win the heart.

And yet,..........and yet, somewhere along the line, the perceptions changed. A new generation of acts such as The Killers, Goldfrapp, Gwen Stefani and Scissor Sisters used interviews to lavish praise on Duran's back catalogue. Chic's disco titan, Nile Rodgers, a committed fan, went into the studio with the band. We learned to overlook Thank You, the shameful covers album, still haunts the few who heard it.

We saw beyond the heavy make-up and air of self importance and remembered a group of lads who had served their art-pop apprenticeships at college and specialist clubs  -deadly serious about the music they were trying to make. 

It was noted that, when founding members John and Nick put together a radio broadcast some years ago, -of the music they loved and influenced them the most, they compiled an electro and glam masterclass including the likes of Bowie, Ultravox, Yellow Magic Orchestra and The Human League   -and, endearingly, snuck in just the one Duran song.

And, hey presto, the Birmingham boys were cool. Back then they zoomed in 2004 with an OK album, Astronaut, Gigs sold out in hours. Sure Le Bons still couldn't dance. No, the lyrics weren't making a whole lot of sense, but when they had ever? The hits had originally dried up because the hooks had grew stale, the choruses limp. They lost their fan because they mislaid their mojo. With time on their hands, Duran fans began to doubt their fervour, and to blanche  at what they had once swooned over. Astronaut changed that.

Old Duran would have used this moment to commit commercial Hara-kiri.  
Connoisseurs of the wilderness years will cherish the Band's dogged pursuit of defeat from the jaws of victory. Or the almost heroic mistake of following up their huge comeback record. The Wedding album and its hit single, ''Ordinary World'', with Thank You.

New Duran are made of shrewder stuff. Their new album, Red Carpet Massacre, sees them teaming up with ubiquitous and cooper-bottomed uber hit-makers Timbaland and Timberlake. Tracks such as ''Nite Runner'' and ''Falling Down''  stick like a limper to the formula the band followed back when everything they touched turned to Gold and Platinum discs.

The former recalls the ice-cold electro funk of ''Notorious'', the latter the prefect pop of ''Ordinary World''. The Title track, meanwhile, updates their classic first big hit, ''Girls on Film'', even if the lyrics  -''Red Carpet Massacre'', Le Bon screeches, ''Don't wanna hassle yer'', are no match for ''Girls'';  with its enduringly strange and sinister ''The crowd all love pulling dolly by the hair''.

That the new song begins with the same cheesy synth sound that underpinned ''Save A Prayer'',  serves to reinforce the album's key message: we're back in business, we know what you want and we are here to give it to you. Mind you that's two good albums on the trot  So, never bet against them.

Respectful dedication !WOW! : The World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless. 
The Unlimited Edition.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless

Boston woman pays $560,000 for 2 parking spots

Parking is such a precious commodity in Boston that one woman was willing to pay $560,000 for two off-street spaces near her home.

Lisa Blumenthal won the spots in the city's Back Bay neighborhood during an on site auction Thursday held in a steady rain by the Internal Revenue Service.

The IRS had seized the spots from a man who owed back taxes. Blumenthal, who lives in a multimillion dollar home near the parking spaces, tells The Boston Globe that she didn't expect the bidding to go quite so high for the spots.

The record for a single spot in Boston is $300,000. The median price of a single-family home in Massachusetts is $313,000.

Watermelon Can Reduce Sun Stroke

Watermelon can reduce sunstroke and do much more to cool getaway during the blistering summer heat.
According to a new study watermelon could help prevent heart disease by halting the build-up of harmful cholesterol and also be a helpful in weight control, researchers from Purdue University, US have found.

There is nothing more refreshing and thirst quenching like a juicy slice of watermelon to protect the people from heat waves in hot summer season. Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in electrolytes sodium and potassium that we lose through our perspiration. It also reduces the risk of dehydration. Watermelon is rich in the B vitamins like Vitamin B1 and B6 necessary for energy production and a good source of thiamin, potassium and magnesium which protect our body from so many diseases.

It is found almost everywhere in the world and available throughout the year. It has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy interior flesh. Watermelon contains approximately 6 percent of sugar and 92 percent water by weight making it an ideal fruit to consume during the hot summer. They believe the secret to watermelon's health-boosting properties lies in citrulline, a chemical found in the juice.

The scientists also observed that eating watermelon regularly helped to control weight gain and resulted in fewer fatty deposits inside blood vessels. Although the latest investigation showed no significant effects on blood pressure, it did reveal watermelons had a powerful impact on other heart risk factors.

ABU Robocon

The Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU Robocon) is an Asian College robot competition, founded in 2002 by Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. In the competition robots compete to complete a task within a set period of time. The contest aims to create friendship among young people with similar interests who will lead their countries in the 21st century, as well as help advance engineering and broadcasting technologies in the region. The event is broadcast in many countries through ABU member broadcasters.
Each year the competition has different topics, but generally speaking three or more robots must be used to complete the tasks. The best robots usually weight more than 10kg and span in one square meter area. To build the robots, contestants, who are restricted to be undergraduate students, must possess rich knowledge in programming, mechanical design and electronic circuit design.

ABU Robocon 2013

The ABU Robocon 2013 is going to be held in Vietnam. The Theme for Robocon 2013 declared by VTV is "The Green Planet.

ABU Robocon 2012

The ABU Robocon 2012 was held in Hong Kong on 19th August 2012 where 17 Engineering teams from 16 countries or regions participated. The Theme for Robocon 2012 declared by Hong Kong was In Pursuit of Peace and Prosperity.The winner of the Robocon 2012 is University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

ABU Robocon 2011

The ABU Robocon 2011 was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 28th August 2011 where 19 Engineering Colleges from 18 countries participated. The Theme for Robocon 2011 declared by Thailand was Krathong, Lighting Happiness with Friendship. The winner is Dhurakij Pundit University coming from Thailand.

ABU Robocon 2010

The ABU Robocon2010 was held in Cairo, Egypt on 22nd September 2010 where 18 Engineering Colleges from 17 countries participated. The Theme for Robocon 2010 declared by Egypt was Robo-Pharaohs Build Pyramids. It was won by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China to give China its 4th overwhelming win. Now China holds the record for the most number of wins.

ABU Robocon 2009

The ABU Robocon 2009 was held in Tokyo, Japan on 22nd August 2009 with the Theme of Kago, the traditional Japanese palanquin, carried by human beings replaced by robots. The winners were a team from China who completed the task consistently in 18 seconds. It was won by Harbin Institute of Technology to give China its third successive win.

ABU Robocon 2008

The ABU Robocon 2008 was held at Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune, India on 31st August 2008, where 17 Engineering Colleges from 16 countries participated. The Theme for Robocon 2008 declared by India was Govinda, a traditional Indian Deity who used to play earthly games by capturing Butter/Cheese from heads of Gopis.