- SIR PETER !'''
"'School For Scandal''' : That is where the headline characters seethe from.
And if you, the students of the world, haven't read this masterpiece from Sheridan, you have missed true life. If you can, catch up on this!
And as we zero in on Telepresence, it maybe be appropriate to give a standing ovation to Sandra Lerner and Leonard Bosack :
While at Stanford University, they began making improvements to its primitive intracampus network. Bosack and Lerner used dedicated cabling to bypass the campus LAN and connect SU-SCORE and SU-GSB machines running the TOPS-20 operating system.
Inspired to start a company named after the leading city in California's Bay Area.
Lerner and Bosack left Stanford and started "CISCO" in 1984 building the now-in-demand routers in their home. Today they cosponsor a professorship at Stanford.
Bosack received a BS from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School and an MS in Computer Science from Stanford. Lerner received a BS in political science from California State University, Chico, an MS in Econometrics from Claremont Graduate School, and an MS in statistics and computer science from Stanford
And now the Post:
In addition to saving money, Cisco argues that telepresence saves time.
In 2008, Cisco completed a takeover in eight days -as opposed to the usual weeks or months- by putting the lawyers in telepresence rooms instead of aeroplanes.
Lee Scott, the boss of Wal-Mart, -the entire world's biggest retailer- is set to see great scope for improving his supply chain.
Dream Works, a Hollywood studio that helped HP develop its telepresence system, says the technology will help it make movies cheaper and faster, by allowing creative types to collaborate without travelling.
There are environmental benefits too; according to HP eliminating one round trip journey between New York and London saves 3,000 lb 1.36kg of carbon dioxide- roughly:
As much as 90 cars emit in a day.
Telepresence meetings between farther-flung destinations, or involving more people, would result in even bigger environmental savings.
Marthin De Beer, the head of new technologies at Cisco, says that potential customers think all this sounds too good to be true, but are converted by demonstrations.
At any rate, Cisco says that it has persuaded 52 firms to sign up, for an average of five rooms each.
Frost & Sullivan forecasts that the global market for telepresence, although still tiny, will grow by 56% a year to $1.24 billion by 2013.
There are grounds for scepticism.
HP claims that Cisco sells it telepresence rooms at a loss, in order to win the accompanying contracts to upgrade firms Internet connections to handle all the extra data involved..
For that reason and others, many analysts question CISCO's rosy sales projections. Moreover, there are plenty of aspects of business travel that telepresence cannot replace:
Factory tours, a night out with clients, a side-trip with the family.
On the other hand, it needs to supplant only a tiny proportion of trips to become a big business.
With respectful dedication to the Corporate world. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:
''' Marking The Teachers "'
Good night and God bless!
SAM Daily Times - The Voice of the Voiceless
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