
Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs, Now Confirmed by Science

By Madalina Petrusel
Nutritional Therapist, SAM Daily Times

Smiles all around on the faces of Natural Therapists As science has now proven that Turmeric is just as effective and in some cases more ,that 14 very commonly used drugs .

The Good news is Unlike these drugs , Turmeric does not have adverse reactions , does not come with the side effects , and does not put pressure on your liver, kidneys and other organs specific to the drugs . Many people build up tolerances to drugs , especially painkillers , building up tolerance to natural compounds such as turmeric is very rare , therefore Turmeric is most lightly to not only he healthier for your body but be effective for much longer than synthetically manufactured drugs .

Turmeric is a potent root from the gingers family , yellow aromatic powder can be obtained from the rhizome of a plant for convenience of use . Used for flavouring and colouring in Asian cookery and formerly . It has been found that in the popular areas where turmeric is used the number of people that get terminal illnesses such as cancer and many inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis , Goat and many more is in the least 80% less than In the Uk , USA and other pharmaceutically dominant societies .

Although this is an interesting fact to consider i am not saying that turmeric is responsible for this alone . From a logical point of view , Drugs = Toxins in the body .What science states as fact , Toxics are directly and indirectly the main sources of deceases depending on the decease but the all originate from this imbalance of toxins and acidity in the body . Surely this makes more sense of why we are more suceptible to decease ! Not to mention we are eating foods that are depleting our bodies rather than providing us with the nutrients we require to flush out toxins and build healthy stable cells ,flora ( good bacteria) and immunity .     

"LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE " -Hippocrates, Father of Medicine .

Not just because its cheeper , but some would take a basic point of view and consider that we are human . Humans wether we see it or not these says or not are still part of nature . Whatever beliefs or gods you resonate with all teachings can agree that man is part of nature . So if man is part of nature surely that is where his cures , food , medicine lie ? . I haven t yet come across many …or any Health professionals for that matter that disagree with this statement . Sure , I agree in extreeme circumstances where real fast help is needed modern medicine is a blessing . But using it as an everyday plan or as an escape from pain that inevitably we are going to bump into in life It can be unnecessary ,and not to mention extremely taxing on the body! Easy natural not to mention stable in the body herbs and roots plants and even vegetables can be found to substitute and many times do what drugs just can't . Here are the 14 drugs Turmeric could happily replace , and just for fun I have also added some lovely side effects . Most of you will not need to read them all to get the Big picture .

1. Lipitor/Atorvastatin(cholesterol medication)

"Lipitor (atorvastatin) belongs to a class of drugs referred to as statins. Lipitor is used for the treatment of elevated total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, and to elevate HDL cholesterol. Side effects of Lipitor include constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, gas, heartburn, headache, myalgia, and rhabdomyolysis….
  • Unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness;
  • Fever, unusual tiredness, and dark colored urine;
  • Swelling, weight gain, urinating less than usual or not at all; or
  • Nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)..'

2. Corticosteroids (steroid medications)

• stomach irritation, such as indigestion, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) , nausea ,insomnia , a metallic taste in the mouth.

3. Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants)

dysthymia, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, chronic pain, neuropathic pain and, in some cases,dysmenorrhoea, snoring, migraines, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), substance abuse and sleep disorders.

4. Aspirin (blood thinner)

  • Upset stomach and heartburn may occur. If either of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

  • Urine, persistent or severe nausea/vomiting, unexplained tiredness, dizziness, dark urine, yellowing eyes/skin.

  • Stomach/abdominal pain, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, slurred speech, weakness on one side of the body, sudden vision changes or severe headache.

  • A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.

5. Oxaliplatin (chemotherapy drug)

Peripheral neuropathy - Numbness and tingling and cramping of the hands or feet often triggered by cold. This symptom will generally lessen or go away between treatments, however as the number of treatments increase the numbness and tingling will take longer to lessen or go away. Your health care professional will monitor this symptom with you and adjust your dose accordingly.
Nausea and vomiting
Mouth sores
Low blood counts - Your white and red blood cells and platelets may temporarily decrease. This can put you at increased risk for infection, anemia and/or bleeding.
Loss of appetite

I would list the side effect of the rest of these drugs but I am pretty sure you wold have all gotten a good idea and probably switched off by this point .In Addition the symptoms are pretty similar and easy to find if you google the drug.

6. Metformin ,(diabetes drug)

Anti-inflammatory Drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen, indomethacin, diclofenac, dexamethasone, celecoxib, and tamoxifen

Im sure many of you might be wondering what are these symptoms a sigh of internally and what is producing this side effects inside ? I am more than happy to discuss the pathology on how these things are effecting the body specifically , I am considering writing a few papers on these if you would be interested please put a request in or or any other things you would like to see a paper on .

Though you might think that these side effects are not so bad , not me personally but some of you might , I would like you to consider that symptoms are always a side effect of an internal pathology , these symptoms are predicted by the damage done to specific organs and they are given as to of what the symptom of the organ is. The consideration of wether or not you get the symptoms AKA the damage is calculated on the strength of your organs .Even the strongest of kidneys on long term medications life these they would not get the chances to recover , unavoidably sure but surely years down the lie it is the same fatal store. Now lets consider todays poor nutrition , bad habits and hereditary , the damage is unavoidable unless you are very clue up about your health .Changes are if you are reading this you are taking a step into the right direction ! Perhaps not all the herbs and remedies we have on a natural scale are proven by science just yet , but like Turmeric a lot of them are and increasingly being more and more studied every day , So if you could use a Healthy alternative that is kind to your Kidneys why wouldn't you ?

On a Humarous note a song was released in June 2002 by a well known Singer that goes by the name of P!nk the lyrics quote " Just like a pill , instead of making me better you keep making me ill " I found that quite amusing . If like me you are finding this Ironic and you would like to know more and get more clued up about heath , There is a well constructed Documentery/ Film you can watch online for free now Called Food matters i will post the link below.This Documentary is more than a great start.

If you Find of my Information does not resonate with you It is a free world , investigate it yourself and then feel free to address the issue with me , I am more than happy to converse and expand ideas with those who wish to learn.

Contributors' Profile / Madalina Petrusel

" I believe the healthier the mind and the Body the better our outlook on the world , quality of life and positive impact on the world around us. "

Loreto Sixth Form College, Manchester, UK graduate, Madalina Petrusel is a prolific writer covering biomedicine and nutritional therapy. She has also studied in depth PNI ( Psycho Neuro Endocrinological Immunology ) Those really long words basically mean studies of the relationship between mind and body . This is usually communicated VIA hormones .

She blogs at SAM Daily Times where she shares her knowledge on battling disease and overcoming very serious trauma and diseases . Stay tuned to see health entries from her on her page HealthHacks.

DU FYUP: NSUI Continues Hunger Strike

Voices against Delhi University's four-year undergraduate programme (FYUP) intensified today as various students' and teachers' bodies staged protests even as the admission process is going on in full swing.

While NSUI and ABVP demanded immediate rollback of FYUP, AISA and DUTA suggested an alternative paper scheme to enable students to graduate within three years.

National Students' Union of India (NSUI), seven of whose activists are on an indefinite fast since last Friday demanding an immediate rollback of FYUP, staged a rally outside the University campus and burnt effigies of HRD Minister Smriti Irani and DU Vice-Chancellor Dinesh Singh.

Staging demonstrations, All-India Students' Association (AISA) and Delhi University Teachers' Association (DUTA) suggested an alternative method to the programme.

"AISA and DUTA is planning to meet HRD Minister Smriti Irani soon over the issue and submit a memorandum proposing an alternative paper scheme which will enable the first batch of FYUP students to graduate in 3 years," president of AISA Sucheta De said.

Slamming NSUI's silence over the issue all this while, De said, "NSUI's hunger strike only exposes its double standards. It supported every move of the administration while the programme was being implemented. On the other hand ABVP kept DUSU ineffective in this regard as well."

NSUI, student wing of Congress, had remained neutral last year when the UPA government took the decision to implement the programme.

"We supported FYUP last year because it was being touted as a major reform towards improving the educational system. But in the last one year, we have realised that majority of the students are against FYUP and it is skewed against the students coming from the socio-economically weaker sections of the society for whom studying in Delhi for four years is a difficult proposition," NSUI spokesperson Amrish Pandey said.

Using a mobile while driving 'worse than drink or drugs'

The Government are considering introducing tougher penalties for using a mobile phone while you drive after research showed that it slowed reactions more than drink or drugs,

file picture of a woman driving her car while talking on her mobile phone

A study by the Transport Research Laboratory found that a driver's reaction time slowed by 46% when they made a call on a mobile, compared with 37% when texting and 27% during hands-free calls.
It also found that reaction times reduced by 13% for those on the drink-drive limit of 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood and 21% for those who had used cannabis.
The newspaper showed the results to road safety minister Robert Goodwill who said he would talk to the Ministry of Justice about the issue and added: "I will see if we need to change the penalties.”

SoftBank to cut smartphone charges in Japan

A man holding an umbrella walks past the logo of Softbank Corp at its branch in Tokyo

SoftBank Corp (9984.T), Japan's No.3 mobile carrier, will cut its smartphone charges in Japan with a flat rate for unlimited voice calling and cheaper data plans, in a sign that price competition may be starting to pick up in Japan's mobile market.
The lower rates, to take effect next month, are similar to reductions this month by rival NTT DoCoMo Inc (9437.T), Japan's largest wireless provider. Regulators have grown increasingly critical of the three dominant carriers, blaming them for high smartphone fees and oligopolistic practices.
The authorities' complaints came at an awkward time for SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, as he tries to convince U.S. regulators that a proposed acquisition by his Sprint Corp (S.N), the No.3 U.S. mobile carrier, of No.4 T-Mobile US Inc (TMUS.N) would boost competition in the U.S. market, by giving the top two carriers more of a run for their money.
In addition to flat-fee unlimited voice calling, SoftBank will offer options allowing users to roll over unused data communications to the next month or to share them with family members.
It also will launch special offers or discounts for family plans, long-term users and subscribers aged 25 and under.
A voice-only smartphone service will be priced at 2,700 yen ($26.33) per month, while data plans will run from 3,500 yen per month for 2 gigabytes up to 22,500 yen for 30 GB.

Japan's wireless carriers had typically offered only high-end smartphone plans with minimum charges of 5,700 yen per month for 7 GB of data communications. The communications ministry has charged that the uniformly high fees showed there was insufficient competition in the industry.KDDI Corp (9433.T), the second-largest carrier, is also considering offering flat-rate, unlimited calling, sources familiar with the matter have said.

Cars 'possessed' as locks turn on and off by themselves

Cornwall village dubbed 'Summercourt triangle' as 30 cars struck by paranormal activity

A 1983 movie starred a sentient and violent automobile named "Christine"

Car owners in Cornwall have claimed their vehicles are “possessed” after their locking system began turning on and off on their accord, trapping one child inside and leaving many stranded without transport.
Residents of Summercourt, a small village near Newquay, claim the community has been struck by paranormal activity with around 30 cars locking and unlocking themselves.
The bizarre occurrences, which have seen the village dubbed the “Summercourt Triangle” in reference to Bermuda, began six months ago and have been explained by radio interference.
Mike Parris, an expert from car technology firm SBD, said remote locking systems are vulnerable to interruption and that the Cornwall incidents were not unique.
He said: The most probable cause is accidental radio interference, which is not unheard of.
"Residents could try and keep a log of when they have difficulties, the locations which are worse and anything which helps to pinpoint it. These things are notoriously difficult to pin down."
Lin Howard, an affected motorist, said her car automatically locked her child inside.
“Another driver has not been able to start their car,” she said.
“They have to go home, get back to school, get someone to look at the car, then after a period of time it starts again."
Wendy Malham, another resident, added: "I got in the car to drive to school and the locks were going on-off, on-off, like it was possessed.
"I can't actually lock my car anymore because the alarms go off. Another driver has not been able to start their car."

Headline, June10, 2014 / Five Star Billionaire



Shanghai Tang. Tash Aw captures the piquancy of China's megametropolis.

Yes, a delightful must read for everybody:.......

The hungers and furies of the exploding Asian metropolis are all literary rage.

Arvind Adiga gave aspiring India a ferocious, vengeful voice in his  2008  Man Booker Prize  -winning debut novel, ''The White Tiger''.

Mohsin Hamid, in  How To Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, offers an allegorical rise and fall in the shape of  self-help  manual.

Tash Aw, in his    Five Star Billionaire, also serves up self-help maxims before every chapter, but his work aches with grieving humanity as it follows the crisscrossings ups and downs of-

Five migrant characters trying to make their mark on contemporary Shanghai. Insofar as the city   -a riot of fake  Vuitton bags, false promises and counterfeit identities   -is making itself up as fast as they are-

Every last effort to get the better of it seems doomed.

At the center of Aw's intricate canvas is a factory girl, from a small town, Phoebe Chen Aiping, who goes to Shanghai determined to remake herself as a dressed sex-cess party girl. In and out of her orbit float four other protagonists, all from Malaysia  -as Aw is-

And equally bent on self-refashioning; a fallen teen idol; a property developer whose family business has collapsed; an enigmatic, self-styled billionaire; a coffeehouse Bohemian turned businesswoman.

Every time the action flashes back to the simpler lives they've left behind, each registers that they'll lose something essential  -call it a soul  -if they realize their dream, yet lose their livelihood if they don't.

Towering about them all is the theater of illusions that is the novel's dominant character, Shanghai. Aw brings to its whirlgig, cashed up culture the hyperobservant eye and the sympathetic heart he displayed in:

The Harmony Silk Factory and Map of the Invisible World. Sometimes it seems as if he has ingested every last detail of rising Asia's latest glossy magazines, yet never lost sight of the emptiness in the models' eyes or the wistfulness in the lonely readers' heart.

Roaming tirelessly through Shanghai's glassy tower blocks, charity auctions and bare bedrooms, Aw gives us the books that  young girls try to master.

He conjures up   -in a single sentence- a flutter of blue-sky proposals from an ''Internet-based cosmetics brand called Shhh'' to ''a luxury spa modeled on a northern Thai village.''

True to his background as a lawyer, he knows how to read the small print of every business contract and how to call out the acquaintance who says, ''Let's have lunch soon, ya? Of course, I promise.''

As we orchestrate the overlapping of his lost souls, the story comes to acquire the mirrored complexity of its settings. No one knows who anyone is   -not even themselves  -and when one character reveals himself as a real celebrity-

He's taken to be the most shameless fake of all. And because Aw's polyphonic structure shows us every character as they to themselves, and as they're seen by others, we teeter at every moment on the gap between reality and appearance.

One hardly needs to notice that the cutthroat percepts Phoebe digests   -''If you place your trust in others, you will open yourself to danger and hurtfulness''  -echo survival tips invoked by her elders during the Culture Revolution. 

As an evocation of a world in which friendships are business deals and people conduct virtual lives   -pouring out their hearts to strangers online, late at night,-
Five Star Billionaire is hard to beat  

Perhaps it might have been more intense if centered on three characters instead of five   -Aw's women are more affecting than his oddly passive, sexless men-   but the ambition of the book perfectly reflects its subject.

In one scene, we're  introduced to a   ''folk guitarist whose slangy lyrics spoke of urban migration and loneliness. Aw might be describing himself, except that his threnodies are set to sophisticated modern jazz. 

With respectful dedication to all the Students, Professors and Teachers of ''different Cultures'' in the world. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

''' Once &  Again '''

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless