
Headline Feb 21, 2015/ ''' OH'' MACHINES! AND O'' MINDFUL? '''



CAN STUDENTS THINK?  The most fundamental question I have ever framed in my life time of endeavours?

COME 2015--END, and Sam Daily Times  ''The Voice Of The Voiceless'' will be read daily,and learnt from,  in just about every school in Pakistan, and hopefully in many, many schools in the world.

The teachers will narrate tales of great valour to the Little Angels, who will always thank: Mariam, Rabo, Dee, Haleema, Hussain, Malala, Shahzaib Khan, Ali, Eman, Mustafa, Ibrahim, Ahsen, Armeen, Salar, Sameen, Areesha, Anne-

Hamza, Zaeem, Hazeem, Faizan, Sannan, Sarah,Saima, Hannyia, Nayab, Rebab, Maynah, Bilal, Haider, Aqsa, Paras, Sorat and the great, and all the students from the whole world.

COME 2016 END, and Sam Daily Times ''The Voice Of The Voiceless'' will be read daily in every school, college and university of the world.

And the students should remember to thank ***All The Leaders Of The Free World***.

***FINALLY AFTER all that hard work, great things will begin to happen***. So, lets role up our sleeves and get back to some hard work.     

ON MY RADAR, -it now seems to me, that CNN is my Quick Talk  to somewhere? Just two days ago:

This great news channel, announced  a short list of 3   ''Countries in Chief''   the NSA was targeting its computer related focus:Getting into your Hardrives to see as to what the heck you were up to?

National Security Agency  -NSA-  is America's best and top agency, with-
*No Computers To Love*, motto.

Expectedly, -Pakistan, by the way, tops the list. Two questions come to my mind, everytime my country's name crops up. I always mean to  ask: What's Pakistan's hidden non -talent? 

And What is the most sterotypically Pakistani thing about us? As yet, no one ever, ever has given me a plausible answer. Maybe Walter Isaacson, Fareed Zakria, Hamid Meer, Joel Stein could or would?

But in all the Anatomies let me get on to one of the greatest thinker of all times : 

Alan Turing, the intellectual father of the modern computer. And as it is mostly known and understood, had a theory.

He believed that one day machines would become so powerful that they would think just like humans. 

He even devised a test, which he called ''the imitation game,'' to herald the advent of computers that were indistinguishable from human minds.

But Turing's heroic and tragic life provides a compelling counter to the concept that there might be no fundamental difference between our minds and machines.

As we celebrate the cool inventions that sprouted this year, it's useful look back at the most important invention of our age, the computer, which along with its accoutrement, microchips and digital networks is the ubber innovation were born.

But despite the computer's importance, most of us don't know who invented it. That's because, like the most innovations of the digital age, it has no single creator, no Bell or Edison or Morse or Watt.

Instead, the computer was devised during the early 1940s in a variety of places, from Berlin to the University of Pennsylvania to Iowa Sate, mainly by collaborative teams.

As often seen in the annals of invention, the time was right and the atmosphere charged. The mass manufacture of vacuum tubes for radios paved the way for the creation of electronic digital circuits.

That was accompanied by the theoretical advances in logic that made circuits more useful. 

And the march was quickened by the drums of war. As nations armed for conflict, it became clear that computational power was as important as firepower.

Which is what makes the Turing story especially compelling.

He was the seminal theorist conceptualizing the idea of a universal computer, he was part of the secret team at Bletchley Park, England, that put theory into practice:

By building machines that broke the German wartime codes, and he framed the most fundamental question of the computer age:

Can machines think?

Having survived a cold upbringing on the fraying fringe of the British gentry, Turing had a lonely intensity to him, reflected in his love of long-distance running.

Turing also had a trait, so common among innovators, that was charmingly described by his biographer Andrew Hodges:

''Alan was slow to learn that indistinct line that separated initiative from disobedience.''

At Cambridge University, Turing became fascinated by the math of quantum physics, which describes how events at the subatomic level are governed by statistical probabilities rather than laws that determine things with certainty.

He believed  -at least while he was young-  that this uncertainty and indeterminacy at the subatomic level permitted humans to exercise free will.

A trait that, if it existed, would seem to distinguish them from machines.  

The Honour and Serving of the  ''operational research''  continues. Thank you for reading,  -and maybe learning, and see Ya all on the following one.

With respectful dedication to the Students of the world. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

''' Be Part Of History '''

'''Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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