
Headline Feb 28, 2015/ ''' QUALCOMM - QUASAR '''



A study finds that real-time brain monitoring can be used to help students and people to regain focus

Neuroscientists at Princeton University monitored the brain activity of students who were asked to perform a repetitive task that required close attention.

Lying inside a functional magnetic resonance imaging, or f. M.R.I., machine the students were shown a series of pictures of faces superimposed over scenery.

They were told to press a button when they saw a particular kind of face or a particular kind of scenery.

The researchers monitored brain waves for signs the students were focusing on the wrong thing. When such a signal was detected, the task was made more difficult.

The students learned to recognize signs that their attention was lagging and their performance improved.

The findings were published in Nature Neuroscience. And now on to the subject headline.  

STILL, Qualcomm's experience shows that deep investment and cooperation with local players does not guarantee:

A free free pass on regulatory difficulties in the country.

Qualcomm has invested heavily in China since the  1990s  and worked with telecommunications equipment manufacturers to develop new intellectual property in the country.

While almost half of Qualcomm's revenue comes from the Chinese market; that revenue has dipped in recent months.

It has said that this is partly because it has been unable to collect full royalties from companies in China.

The new licensing requirements will put further pressure on Qualcomm's finances. 

Particularly problematic, according to legal experts, are terms in the agreement that specify how much Qualcomm can charge to license Key patents for branded phones.

Generally, intellectual property holders charge clients different amounts based on the advantages they get in return.

A large company like Apple might pay low fees to Qualcomm because of its huge market share and strong patent portfolio. A small company would pay, much more for the same licenses.

The new stipulation forces Qualcomm to charge a flat fee to companies selling certain types of branded phones in China.

The deal could also mean an end to the company's broad  cross-licensing agreements, which could pose problems for small Chinese smartphone makers that use  Qualcomm technology.

In the past, such companies that worked with Qualcomm had access to broader trove of patents controlled by large smartphones makers that also worked with Qualcomm.

The settlement now calls for for Qualcomm to negotiate with China's patent holders.

If Qualcomm looses access to suite of patents, it may make them less competitive in the market.

Still, given the growth of those smaller companies, Like Xiaomi, and larger ones like Huawei   -which has set a sales target like:

100 millions smartphones this year   -the agreement will keep Qualcomm in a market it cannot afford to leave.

''We have made adjustments to our practices,'' Mr Mollenkopf said.

And he goes on to add, ''this positions our business to take advantage of large growth in China.''

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

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'''Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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