WE ARE ALL EQUAL BEFORE GOD, and you are all equal on the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless -!WOW!.
*Even when !WOW! was forged in fire*, the great honour of serving shall always stay : With malice towards none and with charity towards all And with that-.
Other studies suggest female chief executives are more risk-averse, which may make them more likely to outperform their their male counterparts in an economic downturn.
But it is hard to generalize, given the small sample of female C.E.O.s
There may be an a subconscious gender bias among activist investors, supported by recent research.
Academics at the University of Utah and Washington University in St.Louis conducted a study published in 2012 in which they showed a prospectus for an initial public offering-
To a group of 222 M.B.A. students, 45 of whom were women.
One group was shown the prospectus with a male chief executive listed as leading the company. The other group was shown the same prospectus, but with a woman listed as the C.E.O.
''Despite identical personal qualifications and firm financials, female founder/C.E.O.s were perceived as less capable than their male counterparts-
And I.P.O.s led by female founder/C.E.O.s were considered less attractive investments,'' the study found.
Researchers have also shown that executives who are women may be expected to to be more likely to compromise and less likely to fight, which, for an activist seeking a role on the board, may make it a more attractive target.
Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, recently pointed to a study at Yale University about the role of gender and power.
''Social role theory states that because men and women occupy different social roles, they behave in predictably in different ways in line with these roles.
Specifically, because women are more likely than men to be in nurturing roles, -e.g., mother, caretaker- they may behave in ways that are more communal and less aggressive,'' the study said.
The researcher found ''that a female C.E.O who talked disproportionately longer than others in an organizational setting was rated as significantly-
Less competent and less suitable for for leadership than a male C.E.O who talked for an equivalent amount of time.
Importantly, this effect was found among both male and female perceivers.''
A 2013 study conducted by a unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers found that ''among C.E.O.s leaving once over the past 10 years, a higher share of women have been forced out than men.''
So perhaps subconscious perceptions and cultural attitudes are tilting the scales of investors. Or, activist attention to female C.E.O.s is now akin to being treated like one of the boys.
When approached for their opinion, several female chief executives declined a comment. None wanted to discuss it, whether on the record or off.
However, they did suggest that women should be judged on their merits and didn't want to play into any sort of gender narrative.
''Still,'' writes this distinguished author, Andrew Ross Sorkin.'' One chief executive, before she hung up, said:
'' *You're onto something* ''
With most respectful dedication to all the female Chief Executives of the world. See Ya all Ladies, on !WOW! -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:
''' BreakingViews '''
'''Good Night and God Bless
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