
Headline April 25, 2016/ ''' *YEE*- ROBOTS? '''

''' *YEE*- ROBOTS? '''

BRIGHT AND  PRETTY  -student Eman Basit, begins her rise and shine, and gets selected for Lahore University of Management Sciences, to study the illusions of economics.

The World students Society is delighted to watch her lovely, kind and caring parents, Engineer Imran Basit, LUMS, EME, and an MS from China, and the honoree of President of Pakistan's  Pride of Performance Medal-

And her distinguished, and  sacrificing mother, Shahbano Imran, herself a school teacher, get themselves....  *to agree on one thing, Twice*. 
Their son, Mustafa Imran studies electrical engineering at LUMS.

And while I am on the subject, I must admire and thank this outstanding school, Head Start  for teaching  *Robotics and Thrills*.

Unbeknownst to Head Start, two of their bright stars Ahsen Rohail Khan, and Armeen Rohail Khan, both now at LUMS, when in O and A levels, became my first professors of Robotics. 

Student Ahsen tells me, I have just above the  'dunce' grades. Never mind the stab, as Ahsen will soon be in for a surprise of his life.

Lets hope that Students Ahsen, Mustafa, Armeen, Eman, get organized and make great contributions on !WOW!  -the World Students Society. And, I must point out to them one great wisecrack : 

What's the point in only : * Sweeping Below Deck*. Hahaha!  This should, for sure, get all of the four, to sit up, and get working.   

FOR DECADES and decades navies have employed human divers, dolphins and sea lions to search for explosives attached to the hulls of warships by a scuba-diving enemy.

Although these  mine-finding  tactics work, they are less than ideal. Divers can be killed or injured and marine mammals are extremely cost to maintain on a boat.

Mines are also getting smaller and harder to detect. The idea of suing aquatic robots to search for the mines instead is alluring, but it is difficult to teach machines how to navigate around hulls without crashing into them or getting lost.

Franz Hover and Brendan Englot at the Massachusetts Institute of technology  [MIT]  have come with a way to improve things by using a two-step process.

Programming robots to scan hulls would be relatively easy if limper mines were still as large as watermelons.

The robot would simply be told to maintain a safe working distance and swim back and forth, using its sonar scanners to generate an image of the hull's topography. 

If the resulting image perfectly matched that of a clean hull stored in the robot's memory, it could be safely assumed that there were no mines attached.

If not it could raise an alarm. Yet nowadays mines can be as tiny as a mobile phone. Such a mine might not blast a hole in the hull, but if carefully placed it could disable a ship's propellers.

The problem, then, is one of definition. Sonar scans done at a safe distance of 10 metres create a rough image known as a data-point cloud.

But this lacks the detail necessary to spot small explosives charges. The addition of video cameras may not do much to help, because harbour waters are often murky.

To work around these problems, Dr Hover came up with the idea of using the data-point cloud not to spot mines, but as a guide to help the robot take a closer look at the hull.  

With this in mind Dr Hoover and Mr Englot, along with a team of colleagues, used a robot known as the  Hovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle   -[HAUV], which was developed at MIT and has since been commercialised by a compnay called  Bluefin Robotics.  

The robot was programmed to create a  data-point  clouding using a traditional sonar scan.

This  grainy image  was then processed by an algorithm designed to connect the data points and create a three-dimensional grid map that the HAUV could use a guide for moving in closer, to perform a second scan at a distance of one metre.

Early results are promising. Letting the newly progammed HAUV loose on the Curtiss, a 183-metre-miltary-support ship in San Diego, and the Seneca, an 83 metre cutter in Boston, showed that a robot can do the job.

First, a scan at a range of 8 metres generated a 3D model. This was then used as a guide for a close-up inspection of the tight and tucked away spaces between the propeller, shafting, rudder and hull.

''If there is a need to see everything on the hull in great detail, the robot wins big,'' says Dr Hover. Bluefin has a $30m contract from the US Navy to develop the HAUV with MIT.

Robots are not about to take over all hull examinations, however. The HAUV was less successful at carrying out its task when working in strong or complex currents of the the sort that trained marine mammals would simply ignore.

So in some conditions the  dolphins and sea lions will continue to have a clear advantage   -for the time being at least.


Students Merium, Rabo, Dee, Malala [Nobel Prize], Aqsa, Saima, Sarah, Sameen, Areesha, Paras, Sorat, Anee, Aqsa, Eman, Shahbano, Sanyia Rumi, Nina, Armeen, Fatimah, Nayab, Mayna, Haanyia, Merium, Merium

Hussain, Ali, Reza, Ghazi, Shazaib Khan, Salar Khan, Hamza, Haider, Jordan, Mustafa, Ibrahim, Faizan, Hassaan, Anique,  Toby/China, Vishnu/India, Ehsen, Ahsen, Noman, Zaeem, Hazeem, Sanan, Dannyial, Rahym/UK, Bilal Malik/US, and the students of the whole world.  

With respectful dedication to the Schools, Colleges, Universities, Students, Professors and Teachers of  Robotics, the world over. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society:

''' The Monitor '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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