*PAKISTAN -SO- PROUD* -With all its preoccupations, distractions, divisions, and iceberg problems,.. glows, in the loss of its very charmed innocence-
As its great daughters and sons step forward to raise the flag, serve humanity and serve their country to unveil its true and sterling potential.
All by all, an ever growing international image- for Pakistan and the Pakistani students, as the first historic, *First Conceptual host' and *Trustee* of the World Students Society & !E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011, all, just so, to sprout.
BLESSED BY THE LEADERS of Pakistan, Blessed by every single leader the world over, the World Students Society gets its great auspicious start and bearings to trim and configure, in building a better world. A great world.
IF THE WORLD IGNORES GIRL STUDENTS AND THEIR IDEAS -we are letting, way too many -just about all- innovations- go astray, go abegging.
Could women-only business courses boost the number of successful female entrepreneurs?
!WOW! and Shima Barakat is one of a group of academics who think, YES.
''I've heard people rant about how we shouldn't be talking about gender in entrepreneurship, that enterprise is egalitarian and gender-neutral. But it isn't,'' she says.
Slightly more than half the population in Europe is female, but the European Commission data shows that only about 20 per cent of start-up entrepreneurs are women.
Mind you, Ms Barakat is the research and teaching fellow in enterprise and and entrepreneurship at *Cambridge's Judge Business School*
''It's not about changing anything about the women, or addressing their deficiencies, but understanding their world,'' she says of the EnterpriseWISE programme, which have been running at Judge for four years.
The course is for women who want to develop business and entrepreneurship skills. Also, the course is delivered by women.
''We bring in a very wide range of female role models who do not reflect the super-charismatic masculine sterotypes,'' explains Ms Barakat.
'' You need a women only forum because it allows them to speak about things they will never speak about in a mixed gathering or setting.
In EnterpriseWISE someone will invariably ask : How can I take a funder's money when I am not sure this thing is going to work?'' I never hear that in my mixed classes, but it's what many of the women are thinking.''
Last year's Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking report gave different figures to those from the European's Commission.
It said that the proportion of businesses founded by women was just nine per cent in Berlin and 18 per cent in London. This gender inequality is apparent on both sides of the Atlantic Europe has:
The bigger problem when compared with Chicago -30 per cent- . Boston -29 per cent- and Silicon Valley -24 per cent.
However, the reason so few women start businesses is complicated. At ESMT in Berlin, Stefan Wagner, associate professor of strategy believes the issue is *attitude towards risk*.
''There is reliable research that points to females being more risk averse than males, and since starting a business is a risky business, women are less likely to choose this as a career path,'' says Professor Wagner, who is also a member of the board of a business angel fund.
So, in Support for women:
Founders have their say :
''Business schools should recruit more risk-takers. Strong and successful women [lift each other up] and while a woman watches another woman fearlessly take large strides, she opens up to taking risks, herself.''
And that's -
Bhavena Suresh, HEC Paris MBA, co-founder of on-demand fashion rental service of StyleBank.
So, on the World Students Society, ''*Great things must be attempted. And only great things done*.''
The Honour and Serving of the ''Operational Research on Life and Progress'' continues. Thank Ya all for reading and sharing forward and see you on the following one.
With respectful dedication to the ever loving memory of Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Prime Minster Benazir Bhutto, and all the World Leaders, Female Students, Professors and Teachers of the World. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society and !E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Come Think With Us '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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