*ghr-r=rrr -!E-WOW!- arghh--+hhh* '''
CORRECT ME -IF I AM WRONG, as I swirl and swirl and think of : *Hot Rocks And Some Very High Hopes* Hot Stuff.........
The World Students Society thanks most respectfully, and most humbly *All The Great Parents Of The World*. I thank them for their splendid support for *One World : !WOW! :
And !E-WOW! thanks, all the *Great Heroes* of the Twitter Account. We hope to thank each by their names, in the future publications, and their distinguished presence. on the World Students Society.
Were we to add their *Followers and Followings*, and have them *Tweet the Tweeter* the World Students Society shall find itself amongst the largest organisation, Mankind ever conceived and attempted.
Want me to call it, by a by-line. Well, then...........*Fruits of Adversity*
RESEARCH SUGGESTS THAT there are fundamental differences in the way people perceive familiar and unfamiliar faces, says Dr Frowd.
With familiar faces it is the internal features of the face-regions that include the eyes, nose, eye brows and mouth -that matter most.
With unfamiliar faces, by contrast, the external features -the hair, ears, face shape and neck -play a more important role.
Dr. Frowd recruited subjects who were shown a photograph of an unfamiliar face, which happen to be that of a football player.
Two days later the subjects used both EVOFIT and a traditional composite system commonly used by the police, called PRO-fit, to recreate this face from the memory.
The resulting pictures were then shown to fans of the footballer's team to see if they could identify them.
The EVOFIT composites were recognised by 11% of the subjects, against 5% for the PRO-fit composite.
Drs Frowd and Hancock realised that if the results were to be improved further their evolutionary approach was not enough on its own. What was needed was a dash of psychology
To account for this EVOFIT was adapted to blur out any distracting external features when witnesses choose from the grid, and restore them once their selections have been made.
And, to refine the final image and account for people's general inability to gauge age accurately, the resulting image can be tuned to make the face appear older or younger, plumper or thinner, more or less attractive, or even more or less trustworthy.
This is done by altering the size and shape of the facial features in accordance with the research indicating the traits that are generally regarded as attractive, trustworthy and so forth.
To boost the performance of the program further, the researchers also decided to address the way in which the composite images are presented.
Typical mugshots tend to similar to each other. Rather than seeing the unique features of the face, people tend to focus on similarities with other mugshots they might have seen.
So EVOFIT was designed to show an animation of the final image, which would slowly accentuate the facial features, essentially creating caricature, before morphing back to the original.
When these enhancements were put to the test the improvement in performance was staggering.
In a second experiment, EVOFIT images led to correct identification 24.5% of the time with the blurring and feature toggling added.
And when the animated caricature was also added, the success rate jumped to 42%.
So much for the theory. EVOFIT is now being used in practice. The first formal evaluation was carried out by the police in Lancashire between 2007 and 2008. During this time 30 EVOFITS were used, mainly for serious crimes such as indecent assault.
Although, six arrests were made during this period -an apparent success rate of 20%- these cases also involved the use of traditional PRO-fit system.
And just because someone is arrested does not of course, mean that they were the perpetrator.
But in a later 12- month trial with the Derbyshire Constabulary in 2008, EVOFIT images were constructed in 57 cases, resulting in 43 names being put forward by the public-
*19 arrests being made and seven people being charged*.
The Honour and Serving of the ''Operational Research'' on Technology and the World, continues. Thank Ya all for reading, and see ya on the following one:
With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Law Enforcement Agencies, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society and !E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:
'''On The Cover '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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