
Headline December 14, 2016/ ''' STUDENTS -BORN TO- MOVE..EE '''


TAO PORCHON-LYNCH,  *98*,   maybe the very best argument for taking up exercise and Yoga,  ever.

Her soft voice was soothing as she called out poses,  tree, dancer  -and corrected alignment. she demonstrated some floor stretches, though she herself could not do them with prefect alignment on the right.

''That's my side with the hip replacement,'' she said fiddling with a large clip earring that had popped off.

''She see things in people they don't see in themselves,'' said  Susan Douglass, 61, a trademark lawyer who began studying Yoga with Ms. Porchon-Lynch in 1999.  
''Her students love her. She has a large band of students who would do anything for her.'' 

Ms. Porchon Lynch has been embraced by big names in the spirituality world. Deepak Chopra met Ms. Porchon-Lynch in 2011 when he took part in a panel discussion with the Dalai Lama.

Ms. Porchon Lynch, after sitting in the audience, approached the men and introduced herself.

''All these Gurus from India who have come and gone   -Pattabhi Jois, Iyengar    -she has met them all,'' Dr. Chopra said.
''It's incredible. Even his Holiness was totally impressed by her.''   

*And the  Health survey of  hunter gatherers suggest we are born to move.
We have not really known just how much physical activity may be natural for us. The fossil record is evocative but inexact*. 

The simplest way to  determine exercise intensity is with heart rate. By most definitions,  moderate exercise raises someone's heart rate, while vigorous exercise  raises it to between  70 and 89  percent.

Maximum heart rate can be calculated from a formula based on age.

Forty-six of the tribespeople,  ranging in age from young adults to people in their 70s, agreed to participate, donning a chest strap for up to two weeks during different seasons of the year while they went about their daily lives.

The researchers then gathered the heart rate data and used it to determine how much and at what intensity the tribespeople had moved.

They moved a lot,  the data proved, typically being active for more than two hours every day.

The men would walk briskly in search of various game animals off and on throughout most days. the women would find, dig up, heft and prepare fruits, vegetables and and other foods.

The vast majority of this activity was moderate. The tribespeople rarely ran or were otherwise vigorously active, says Brian Wood, an assistant professor of anthropology at  Yale  and co-author of the study.

Perhaps most important, the tribespeople also had enviable heart health. The scientists found that the  Hadza  typically showed low blood pressure and excellent cholesterol profiles across their life spans, even deep into old age.

Some of this robust, lifelong cardiovascular health is no doubt a result of diet, Dr. Wood says, but the data intimate that the Hadza's active lifestyle, consisting of plenty walking and lifting, helps to protect their hearts against disease.

The underlying lesson of the study, however, is not that we should all renounce our jobs and homes  ''and become hunter-gatherers for the sake of our hearts,'' he says.

The most nuanced but still potent takeaway of the new study, says David Raichlen, an anthropologist and exercise scientist at the University of Arizona, who led the study, is that  ''human bodies likely evolved to need and respond to the kind of physiological demands''  that the Hadza still undergo on most days.

Our bodies, and in particular our hearts, want to be worked, at least moderately, he says. When they are not, when our pulse rarely rises, pathology may set in.

So move, he says, and preferably often, since the need for activity seems to be built into our bones and hearts.

With respectful dedication to the Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See you all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW!  -the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Health Honours '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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