FOR ALL THE INCREDIBLE amount and number of messages received, from the world over, -like always, I am just so grateful to all of you for your appreciations.
Even in the present state of light headedness,
that these messages always bring, and even in the ensuing state of
nirvana, we can never forget the great challenges and objectives that
loom before us:
*First and Foremost, are the Global Elections*, at the very end of this year or at the very beginning of next year. For which-
Students of America have been honored, with the responsibility of
providing and illuminating the concept, the model, and the platform of
For now, I pass on all the Honours
received, to my beloved country *Proud Pakistan* and to all of you
-the students of the world, to its Leaders, and to its very determined
and classy students:
*Selflessly, and in acts of great chivalry, they stepped forward, to serve*..
*You all can accomplish anything, You all can accomplish great things, if it doesn't matter who gets the credit*.
To top all of the above, this research then, is most respectfully dedicated to Pakistan's great and formidable mother:
Mohtarma, and ever esteemed, Fatimah Jinnah, the constellation of the founder of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
this beautiful silver lining : Working hard. for sure, -but
periodically disconnecting from work, can also do wonders for your
mental well being:
After 10 years working for the same company Deborah Woodfork is planning a four-week sabbatical in May.
design manager at an association for corporate in-house lawyers in
Washington plans take her first international trip to Japan. And to make
sure she comes back refreshed, her employer is taking the extra step of
suspending her work email account.
While she is excited to soak up Japanese culture, and indulge her ''obsession'' with matcha green tea. Woodfork said leaving her inbox unchecked may be difficult.
''Sometimes I do it so much, I don't even know I am doing it,'' she said.
vacation policies* are one way employers are dealing with the stress
of the modern workplace, where technology allows people to field work
emails late into the night and first thing in the morning when they roll
out of bed.
For managers trying to address the creeping issue of overwork, vacation is a good place to start setting boundaries, said Cassidy Solis, workplace flexibility programme specialist at the Society for Human Resource Management.
While the workday is often blurred, a vacation is well defined, as in ''I need off the week of March 1,'' Solis said.
organization recognized Association of Corporate Counsel with its most
recent ''When Work Works'' award for employees that stand out for
promoting work-life balance.
It also honoured
Creative Plan Designs, a retirement consulting firm in East Meadow, New
York, that automatically forward emails to another employee for staff
members on vacation, and-
a San Francisco based technology company that gives a *$1,000 bonus to
employees* who take at least five days of vacation without checking
in online and share vacation photos when they return.
''We try to give some positive reinforcement, so they understand it's okay to take this break,'' said Karl Pawlewicz, an Olark spokesman based in Brooklyn.
Pawlewicz spoke from his vacation in Quebec, where he said he bent the rules to correspond with a reporter.
But he said he also had time to do ''a bunch of awesome stuff,'' such as visit his nephews, stay in a ''castle-like
place in Quebec City,'' and enjoy the ''Canadian version of bowling.''
He also took a ''couple of naps here and there,'' he said.
show that taking time off from work -and work related email -lower
levels of fatigue and job burnout. Employees who come back rested tend
to perform better at solving problems and other creative tasks.
Such policies are also a recruitment tool and encourage retention, employers say.
Some European companies have been leaders in restricting email use outside of working hours.
Germany based automaker Daimler allows employees to set their email accounts to auto-delete while they are on vacation. And Volkswagon also based in Germany, programs its servers to stop ending emails to some employees after hours.
Starting in January, a new French Law gives employees nationwide ''the right to disconnect''.
law requires companies with more than 50 or or more employees to devise
a policy that prevents office emails from encroaching on leisure time.
One proposals is to stop work after 6pm.
law followed a French study about the affliction of ''info-obesity''
that detailed health effects such as sleeplessness that stems from
chronic reliance on technology
A separate 2014
study from the University of Columbia found that people people who
frequently check the email throughout the day experience higher levels
of stress and tension, as they constantly shift their attention between
tasks and rearrange priorities.
Reactions to
France's new policy have been mixed, with even advocates for
family-friendly work environments urging caution and saying that
no-email after-hours policy is not the answer for a lot of employees.
Honour and Serving of the latest *Operational research* on Technology,
Life and Living continues. Thank Ya all for reading and sharing
forward. And see Ya all on the following one:
respectful dedication to all the Leaders, Students, Professors and
Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society
and Twitter-!E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:
''' The Promise : !WOW! '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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