''' *WAR - FESTIVAL - !WOW!* '''
THE TRUTH IS, AND ALLOW ME, to give it to you all straight. Without Fear or Favor, that for peace, harmony, and benevolence :
*The *Whole World* should be ashamed, at what it has or has not done, measured against what it could do*.
the very history of most nations, there crawls in a phase, where a
conflict in the offing has always been, and always will be, the prime
As the American Naval Fleet heads for North Korean waters, the world holds its breath and simmers in anxiety and fear.
World Students Society, lovingly called !WOW!. watches the situation
minute to minute, and discerns and offers both reason for hope and
evidence of utter chaos, confusion.
Ghost of War* is always there, lurking in the shadows, in the
darkness. War resides in the very soul of the world. War never dies. It
just changes residences.
Here at the World
Students Society, as the idea and specter of war looms, I turn to great
thinkers in the artists for inspiration and solace.
again, here, at the host's , Proud Pakistan, I recall that many years
ago, a cartoonist published a drawing in which a man in torn clothes was
sitting on a dilapidated wooden cot, -surrounded by broken windows, and
a picture of utter poverty-
A rope was tied
around his neck whose other end was tied to the ceiling fan. He was
shown waiting in front of a television screen, that was about to begin
broadcasting a Live cricket match between Pakistan and India.
illustrated how critical a cricket contest between the two
neighbouring countries is. any sporting event involving these two
countries is simply a matter of life and death, a great substitute for
For Pakistan, defeating India in a match
is a cause for huge celebration, likewise, having either one of them
beaten by the other is a national crisis -because the two countries
-sadly, and tragically, have been to a few wars with each other in
their brief history of independence.
Artist Ayaz Jokhio
recognizes that countries clash with each other on playgrounds rather
than at sensitive borders. In his work, cut-outs of varied sportsmen are
displayed in a line-
And each figure is made
of black & white images of soldiers from World War 1, [WW1]. the
work, titled, Moral Equivalent of War was part of the one recent
There have been previous displays of these works in Bangalore, Kochi, Berlin and Karachi, including artists from various regions specially those that participated in WW1.
These were based on using archives of WW1 or reflecting upon the idea/history of war.
A considerable number of artists came from countries like India, Pakistan, Algeria that were colonised by the Western Imperial Powers.
the first half of twentieth century, the forefathers of those artists
were involved, rather enrolled, in a dispute beyond their homeland and
without their consent.
the latter generation of image makers from colonised
countries reacted to a war that has a misnomer like World War. The WW1
was fought among powers from Europe and Japan, but the world at large
did not have any stake in that conflict.
For example, a peasant from Rawalpindi/Pakistan or Patiala/India did not have any reason to go to battle against Germany, Austro Hungarian Empire and Ottoman Empire, or in favor of Britain, Italy, France and Russia.
was only due to colonial rule that men were recruited and served at
far-off territories. *It shows how a people, if disposed of their
identity, become a tool in establishing the imperial agenda*.
However, the army men collaborating with their European superiors in the WW1, as narrated by Sarnath Banerjee in his drawings, were barred from fighting on the front in Europe because the possibility of-
killing a white person by a coloured soldier was unacceptable under a strict code of racial etiquettes.
In one of his black & white drawings, Banerjee
points out this aspect. But by and large his installation was ''about
the hundreds and thousands of books that have not been written about
the Indian soldiers' experience in the war.''
The story that Sarnath Banerjee , the leading graphic novelist of India, refers to is an account shared by many others.
Racial discrimination encountered by Indian soldiers is a subject for Ayisha Abraham, a Bangalore based artist. She has used personal archives of her grandfather who took part in the WW1.
her collages and photographs -components of the mixed media
installation............the telegraph now rings full speed -Abraham
recreates multiple narratives of a native soldier fighting in far-off
fields; hence the colour of skin is a major issue in photographic
The exhibition was an effort to present voices that have been lost or never acknowledged in the main discourse of WW1.
speeches of political leaders - after their expiry dates -turn more
rhetoric. whereas the reaction of ordinary people affected by the
atrocities of war have a longer and lasting life, because-
It hits the chords of people who suffer the separation from their loved ones, and pray for their return.
Chasing History:
World Students Society, through its Master Global Publication :....
Sam Daily Times : *The Voice of the Voiceless* appeals to President
Donald J Trump and North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un to avoid war at all cost.
Students : Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Zilli, Ambassador Malala [Nobel Prize]. Dee, Saima, Eman, Armeen, Sarah, Hussain, Salar, Bilal, Jordan, Toby/China, Reza/Canada Haider, Faizan to meet up on:
Facebook, and mull all options, in case of war. And have Zilli, Keep me fully informed.
respectful dedication to all the Leaders, Parents, Professors and
teachers of the World. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society
and Twitter-!E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Quest & Peace '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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