I STRETCH MY WEARY LEGS, order some great coffee, say, expresso. light up a cigar, and begin the process of 360 observation:
*The Whole World, techies included, are fretting over US visa review*. Well....... well, time to get a tutorial out of Engineer Imran Basit.
Never have I found myself a bigger 'idiot savant'? *OK girls, stop giggling and even, stop laughing*
I call, Zilli, Zara, Faraz, Ali, and Umer and request to see the........../ *Buy American- Hire American' banner*.
And by the way, 'where the hell is Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Dee, Saima, Eman, Paras and Sorat', I ask.
Tell me : ''Whats the operational status on Global Elections? And whats up in the context of Proud Pakistan? And India? Vishnu/Founder !WOW!/India?
KENOSHA [Wisconsin] : I see and hear the file display of US President Donald Trump speak before signing an executive order directing federal agencies to recommend changes to a-
Temporary visa programme used to bring foreign workers to the United Sates to fill high-skilled jobs. And then, -
*MRS MAY : YOUR EXCELLENCY -APPEASEMENT DOESN'T WORK with Tyrants. Just ask Chamberlain. O'' Dear!
That ain't I, fluttering the placard in the London setting : That's the new form of Living as an immigrant in the New World.
NO MORE was it possible to think of the UK as a place where people could express unpopular views without fear of being killed in the street for it. Many watched the news reports of-
Jo Cox's death and I thought of Governor Salman Taseer, Shahbaz Bhatti, Perween Rahman, and Sabeen Mahmud. 'This is how it starts,'.
And then you all recall, that David Cameron promised a referendum on Europe in order to placate his Euro-skeptic back-benchers, never imaging -if all the pundits and Westminster insiders are to be believed -that each vote could be lost.
At first, recalls the researcher, that it was so bizarre that her brain failed to really register what was at stake.
But once it became clear that the Brexit vote would be, at heart, a vote on freedom of movement in the EU, a very bad feeling set in.
But politicians and pundits gathered round and declared that to link Jo Cox's death to the referendum would be 'playing politics' with a woman's death.
She should have been the face of the 'Remain' campaign, she should have been the warning of the road we were walking on.
Instead, she faded away from the conversation as though ''Stronger Together' vs Britain First'' had no real relevance to the referendum.
And in the other dimension, Experts say Trump's order to review visa processes is aimed at firms like TCS, infosys and Wipro which from 2005-14 snagged around 86,000 HI-B visas-
Roughly equivalent to the number of H-IB visas the United States issues in total each year.
Two industry sources said Infosys , India's No 2, information technology [IT] services company, is applying for just under 1,000 H-IB visas this year, which one of the sources said was down from 6,500 applications in 2016 and some 9,000 in 2015.
It was not clear whether the sharp reduction in 2017 was in direct response to Trump's presidency, although the company has said for some time it wanted to cut dependence on ''fly-in'' staff.
TCS, Infosys and Wipro said they would not share data on the number of H-IB visas they had applied for this year.
With fewer visas going to Infosys, more might become available for smaller IT companies and big US tech companies, like Facebook and Microsoft Corp, that typically send in fewer H-IB applications each year.
US-based immigration lawyer Murali Bashyam, managing partner at Bashyam Spiro LLP which advises and works with small yo mid-sized Indian IT firms, said clients had been in contact seeking clarity, while the number of visa applicants had fallen.
''I think the reason for this is that they get the sense that it's going to get so much tougher to comply with all of the changes -that it might not be worth their money.'' he said.
''There is a fear that radical immigration changes are coming, and if those radical changes come, then it could completely change the way IT staffing companies do business.''
Bashyam said the number of people on H-IB visas already working in the United States who were considering returning to their home country had risen.
An engineer working at CISCO, who has been in the United States since 2011, said that three months ago he would not have considered returning to India.
The Honor and Serving of the latest ''Operational Research on the state of the world* for Students, Professors and Teachers, continues. Thank Ya all for reading and sharing forward and see you on the following one.
With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of the World. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society and Twitter- !E-WOW! the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Fret Thy Fear '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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