*THE DICTATOR*...... extended........a languid hand, -while to my right and forward, whirled the Ambassador, figuring words of incoherent flattery. .
In a tension filled room, It was difficult, finding an opening for a salvo. But when I did find an opening, I went for the jugular:
*The tragic and unfortunate predicament of this very Proud Country could forever be eradicated , if you figure, allow and even help build a strong spine for the Middle-Class*.
History, wrecks havoc on societies, where the Middle-Class at its very best, reflects nothing but cowardice*..............
*To my sadness, the fullness of time, proved me more right than I ever wished it so. Then, I ever would have wished it so*.
GREAT WRITING IS GREAT PERFORMANCE. You must never forget that. However much thinking and research come beforehand-...........
However much editing and correction afterwards, the actual writing is one great performance. There is a moment when you have to simply do it. You have to out down the rhythms of the voice you're searching for-
You have to find the right succession of detail and event, description and dialogue. Get it wrong and no amount of fiddling will salvage the situation.
So your problem, as you plan your writing day is, how can I get myself ''in the zone'', how can I arrive, for however short a time, at my peak performance?
An athlete has her training schedule, the date of the event stamped in her mind, -the excitement of the crowded stadium to trigger her best.
An actor has his script, his rehearsals and when it matters, the glare of the lighted stage. The writer has nothing.
Hence all the mad little rituals we we hear about, having to use a 4H pencil, a Moleskin notebook, having to be in a particular spot, in a certain room at exactly this time of day-
Drinking this kind of tea, smoking this brand of cigarette. All desperate attempts to propitiate inspiration, to have ordinariness and originalty somehow intersect.
In the early days, writes Tim Parks, the 1980s, the problem was absolute
emptiness. My wife set off to work at 8am. She would be back at 6.30.
This was Willesden, north-west London. Heating was expensive. I wrapped myself in a blanket, hot water at my feet, wrote and pronounced and what I had written awful.
I wrote again, by hand, went out to do a little shopping, maybe to the swimming pool, then felt guilty about taking time out when my wife was working.
They would never publish me anyway. Yet one hangs on. If only out of a need to be hard on oneself. There was definitely a thread of an idea, definitely something I was after.
Until finally, perhaps only half an hour before my wife's return suddenly it was happening. Stuff was coming out that was not quite what I planned, but interesting, possible.
Then I scribbled feverishly. It is extraordinary how much can be written and half an hour when you're in the groove.
Later, there was the opposite problem : too much interference, too much going on. Children to be sorted [and loved] . Requests for articles. Requests for translations.
The phone, the fax, and finally, most devastating of all, emails and Internet.
*In History of Writing, Just So Wrought*, Old-school journalists and intellectuals shunned the use of the first-person in their analytical writings.
In fact, one of the first lessons taught to cub reporters by their seniors and editors at news establishments with a long history was never to bring their own personal self into a story by using 'I' or 'me' in their copy.
There was [and continues to be] a very well considered argument about this stricture.
As far as news organizations are concerned, the story is what important, not the personality of the reporter. But there is also a philosophical reasoning behind the behind the motives of the intellectual:
When attempting to build an objective analytical argument that is universal, the subjective 'I' often feels like an unwanted intrusion, which yanks the reader into an anecdotal and particular world that is the opposite of the grand universal narrative.
The insertion of the subjective is often seen by many people as demeaning to the merit of an argument or, worse, as narcissism on the part of the writer.
The World Through Many Eyes : !WOW! -the World Students Society -Computers-Internet-Wireless and for every subject and discipline in the world.
The Honor and Serving of the latest *Operational Research" on philosophy and sufferings of great writings continues. Thank Ya all for reading and for sharing forward and see you on the following one:
With most respectful and loving dedication : Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Dee, Saima, Sarah, Eman, Paras, Sorat, Ambassador Malala, Hussain, Vishnu/India, Toby/China, Shahzaib, Faraz, Ali Hassan, Umer Wajahat, Mustafa, Jordan, Bilal/ Salar ,Zaeem, Danyial.
And those splendid Angels : Harem, Ibrahim, Maynah Khan, Maria Imran, Hannyia Khan [the Composer] and Merium Khan [the Tennis star].
See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Crimson Papers '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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