
Headline June 10, 2017/ ''' *START-UPS* -STUDENTS- SMARTIES '''

''' *START-UPS* 


ACCELERATING GROWTH AND CREATING JOBS   in the Developing World,   would require some very smart thinking, and some very, very smart investments.

Asia would need, by 2030  :   US $ 26, 000,000,000,000......................   [US$ 26 Trillion ]   investment to make some futuristic sense  [Ports. Power, Water. Sewage, Sanitation, Roads,  Real Estate]   of   its Infrastructure needs. 

Thank You, for that, Zilli, the figure does check out with Asian Development Bank.  

EVER SINCE  - !WOW!  INITIATED,  deliberated and  inspired  a  Start-Up with four founder members/partners : Faraz, Ali-Masters/US., Wajahat, Umer,....   the world of Engineer Wajahat Aslam Raja has begun a slow motion roll.

Not a day passes, when this hardworking  and nominated, CEO,   Wajahat Aslam Raja, University of Aberdeen, Scotland,   doesn't flash  a long list of sparring questions for me? 

Intellectual Rigor, is never a  NO Laughing Matter. President Donald Trump's stated policy of   *America First*  should worry you all?

*Reconciling The Total Optima*  for the start-up and  understanding.........  *The world of Capital Markets, Hot Flows, Futures and Options*  suddenly seems like a Siren call, just as you are sighting the land mass.

THERE'S A SCARY REALITY  that grows with being an entrepreneur. It's not just the huge responsibility of making a  Payroll. And the risk is just wondering how much your stock is worth and what upside might be.

There is sometimes a very,  very  personal risk, like : How do I feed my very own family?''

Take Rob Wenger : The skilled  software developer who  was in his 30s and had already made a couple of million dollars.

He was getting his third and current company,   an Arlington, Va-based software start-up called  Higher Logic, off the ground when he ran straight into the Great Recession. 

Wenger had to sell shares in his stock portfolio at greatly reduced prices to keep his business and his household afloat.

''Unfortunately the  stock market  was taking a beating,'' said the CEO, now 50. ''I had to sell the stock all the way down, but I had to feed my children. I liquidated several hundred grand. 

It would have been more but the market was going down so fast that I sold one stock for $15,000 that had been worth $150,000.''

He had so little income one year that he paid zero taxes. The federal government actually sent him rebate check for $600.
Wenger didn't give it back.
''I just thought, ''Oh, my gosh,'' he said. ''I was just living off the government.''

I have run into more of these stories that I care to count. Many business creators fell flat on their face a few times before they ever . -if ever- hit a home run.

You put in your own money. You sacrifice, work out of the basement and hope someday you will get rich.
Wenger isn't  set-for-life  rich. Not yet,  anyway. But it looks like he may get there.

After years of  spurning outside investment  , Wenger's  team last September agreed to  $55 million  infusion from  JMI Equity of Baltimore. That's the sign that the  money men  in venture capital think  Wenger and his team something good cooking.

Higher Logic  has  175 employees, $27 million in revenues and about 1,050 clients    -including  IBM, Microsoft, and  Roche   -who pay anywhere from $1,000  to  $15,000     a month for its software.

Higher Logic  has customers across  42 states  and  15 countries. The firm has a staff in 15 states, the  District and England.
The Company is profitable, but rolls most of that back into expansion of its workforce.

Higher Logic  manufactures  cloud-based software  that encourages and enables members of association and employees to interact, such as the North American Spine Society-

Discover Education,  the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia.

About 75 per cent of the revenue comes from associations, and 25 per cent from corporations.

Here's it how it works. Take the New Jersey Society of  Certified Public Accountants. Yes, there is an association for that, too.

''Let's say you are accountant in New Jersey and have a question about Jersey tax law,'' Wenger said. ''You can send an email through our system, and it will go to virtually every accountant in the state.

If someone has an answer, you and everyone else will get that answer. Later, if someone has the same question, they will find the thread.''

The  online chats can veer into the lighthearted  S&E  International, which certifies mechanics and engineers in the  auto and aerospace industries, talked about how to make driving safer for the elderly under the topic:
''Why do old people  drive into shops?''        

Some chats help demystify regulations.Members of the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination, populated with long-term-care nurses use the website-

To stay current with the constantly changing federal regulations that govern their industry.

It's not the most  scintillating business, but the idea here is to create useful content that builds up over time building a real time library for members. 

For instance, Google anything about architecture and you are likely to land at the American Institute of Architects website, packed with hundreds and thousand pages of information 
The goal is to make your association more relevant, which helps drive new members to the group, helps retain current members and ultimately makes them money.

The World Student Society thanks researcher and author Thomas Heath.

The Honour and Serving of the latest Operational Research and case Studies on   Start-ups and  Entrepreneurs    continues.      Thank Ya all for reading and sharing forward, and see you on the following one.

With respectful dedication to all the Entrepreneurs and  CEOs of new start-ups, Students, Professors and Teachers of the World. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW!  -the Ecosystem 2011:

'' Business & Jobs '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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