
Women Carrying More Student Debt Than Men

Women hold nearly two-third of the $ 1.3 billion student debt held by 44 million borrowers in america, according to a study.

The report by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) found that more women are likely to take student loans than men and at higher rates. But women holding 65 percent of it is also down to the fact that 56 percent of students enrolled in colleges and universities were women.

The report said that 44 percent of women compared to 39 percent of men take out loans during their undergraduate studies, while their average yearly loans were about $3,100 - $400 more than the average man.

Of those loan takers, 42 percent of women have more than $30,000 in college debt, compared with 27 percent of men.

The AAUW aslo estimates that women make 20% less than men four years after graduating with bachelor's degree, putting them on even more difficult path to return the loans..

According to the report, "four years after graduation, women with bachelor’s degrees who had not pursued postbaccalaureate education were more likely than men to report that their education costs had influenced them to delay buying a house, and to take a less desirable job or a job outside of their field."


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