*THE REFUGEE STUDENTS* -and the Refugees, the whole world over, must be made to reason and understand-
their best hope for now and the future is the World Students Society,
most lovingly and respectfully called !WOW!. One Share-Piece-Peace for
every refugee.
Most Welcome, to every refugee
in the world, from the World Students Society, whose present fleeting
conceptual host, till the Global Elections are held, is Proud
Pakistan. The country where Malala Yusafzai was born and grew up.
*Happy Birthday*, to Ambassador Malala Yusufzai : The Only Solution for a Changing World is the great students of the world coming together on the World Students Society.
are at a remarkable cross-roads in history, where every recent event
is challenging the arc of progress and prosperity, and upending
fundamental beliefs about humanity, globalisation, international cooperation and enduring nature of democracy.
The World Students Society's *!WOW!-Democracy Platform* has never been more honoured, more urgent, relevant or important.
The Work and Reward : THE DISCONNECT
A study published recently by the National Bureau Economic Research provided an unvarnished look at the damage.
researchers from the University of Minnesota, the University of
Chicago, Princeton University and the Social Security Administration,
analyzed the lifetime income histories of millions of workers who
started working-
From 1957 to 1983 and the partial histories of those who entered the work force after that.
findings are a stark reminder that the twin scourges of: poor wage
growth and income inequality, left unaddressed will only worsen.
have been harder hit than women. Partly because they had more to lose.
Lifetime income rose modestly for the typical man who entered the the
labor force from 1957 to 1966. But then it began to decline.
all, the median lifetime income for men who began working in 1983 was
lower than than for men who started in 1967, by 10 percent to 19
percent, depending on the inflation measure used.
decline was mainly a result of lower pay after adjusting for inflation,
and not from reductions in weekly hours or years in the work force.
the same period, the median life time income of women increased by 22%
to 33%, as more women spent more hours and years in the labor force.
the gains, from a very low starting point, were smaller than men's
losses and were not enough to eliminate the historic gap in hourly pay
between men and women.
As workers lose ground,
inequality deepens,because money that would flow to wages tends to flow
instead to those at the top of the income ladder.
is no care-all, but there are policies remedies. Updated overtime pay
standards would raise pay broadly in the service sector, as would
closing the gender pay gap, through better disclosure of corporate pay
scales, anti --discrimination legislation and litigation.
And with that I blow the reading leaf to move to the next page.
When the financialization
of Western economies led to the great financial crisis of of 2007-8,
leaders on both sides of the Atlantic showed no compunction about
practicing welfare socialism for bankers.
more vulnerable citizens were abandoned to the mercy of unfettered
markets, which saw them as too expensive to hire at a decent wage and too indebted to court otherwise.
When the insiders' rescue schemes -including quantitative easing, the buying up of toxic assets, the eurozone bailouts and temporary nationalization of banks -succeeded in refloating banks and asset prices-
They also left whole regions in the United States, and whole countries on Europe's periphery, stagnant.
It was not rising inequality that provoked undying anger among these discarded people.
was the loss of dignity, of the dreams of social mobility, as well as
the experience of living in communities that were leveled down, so that
majority of people were increasingly equal but equally miserable.
more and more voters became mad as hell* governing parties lost
elections between, 2008 and 2012 in the United States, Britain,
France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and elsewhere.
problem was that the incoming administrations were as much part of
the establishment as the outgoing ones. And they made bipartisan the
very approach that had caused the wave of anger that carried them into
That approach was doomed, not least because economic forces were already working against the new governments.
the 2008 crash, the monetary easing by the central bank institutions
like the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England
fended off a global repeat of the Great Depression.
unleashing of a huge credit-fueled construction boom, which saw
investment rise to 48% of national income in 2010, from 42% in 2007,
and total credit climb to 220 per cent of the national income by 2014,
from........ 130% in 2007-
Also softened the financial market failure of the West.
though, these central bank money-creation schemes and the Chinese
credit bubble proved unable to prevent severe regional depression ,
which struck from Detroit to Athens, nor could they prevent sharp global
deflation from 2012 to 2015.
By 2014, voters
had begun to give up on the new administration they had voted for after
2008 in the false hope that the establishment's loyal opposition could
provide new solutions.
Thus, 2015, saw the first challenges to the insiders authority start to surface.
To sum, this great research, the best advice Ambassador Malala Yusufzai will ever get, will come from the great students of the World Students Society :
Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Saima, Seher Khan, Zilli, Sarah, Eman, Dee, Shahzaib Yusafzai, Vishnu/India, Zara, Salar Khan, Bilal, Jordan, Danyial/ UK, Zaeem-
Toby.China, Dantini/Malaysia, Armeen/Lums, Reza/Canada. Ron/Russia, Mustafa, Faraz, Tom/Singapore, Hamad, Kasamatsu/Japan, and on and on I can go........And
Almighty God's Little Darling Angels :Maynah, Ibrahim Majeed, Maria Imran, Harem Faraz, Hannia Khan and Merium Khan.
The Honour and Serving of the latest Operational Research on............. Economics, Life and Liberty continues.
respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the
World. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society and,,,,,,
Twitter-!E-WOW! the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Democratic Dreams '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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