
Headline September 11, 2017/ ''' GOOGLE'S SOURING GAMBITS '''


*GOOGLE'S DISTURBING INFLUENCE* over  think tanks is causing the world, and  the World Students Society  to sit up  and take quick notice. 

Reports  about  the tech giants  bullying of  the New American Foundation raises questions and concerns about how it  shapes great policy debates.

Research institution backed by  company  severs  ties  with scholar.  Put in other words, Google critic ousted after praising fine.............. 

Ms. Slaughter  also wrote on Twitter that the article was  ''fake'', but she was unable to cite any errors. New America would not make Ms. Slaughter available for an interview.

It is difficult to overstate Mr. Lynn's influence in raising concerns about the market  dominance  of  Google, as well as  Amazon and  Facebook. His Open Markets  initiative  organized in 2016 conference at which-

A range of influential figures   -including Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts   -warned of damaging effects from market consolidation in tech.

In the  run-up to that conference, Ms. Slaughter and new America's lead fund raiser indicated in emails to Mr. Lynn that  Google  was concerned that its positions were not going to be represented and that it was not given advanced notice of the event.

''We are in the process of trying to expand our relationship with Google on some absolutely key points,'' Ms. Slaughter wrote in an email to Mr. Lynn, urging him to  ''just  THINK  about how you are imperiling funding for others.''
Mr. Lynn is now starting a stand alone nonprofit with with the same team to continue Open Markets' work.  The new group which does not yet have a name, has funding commitments, though is not expecting money from Google.

It has established a  website  called  *Citizens Against Monopoly*   that accuses Google of   ''trying to censor journalists and researchers who fight dangerous monopolies.''

The site vows, ''We are going to  make sure  Google  doesn't get away with this.''

After initially  eschewing  Washington public policy debates, which were seen in Silicon Valley as  pay-to-play politics,  Google has developed an influence operation that is arguably-

More muscular and sophisticated  than of any other American company.

It spent  US$ 9.5 million on lobbying through the first half this year  -more than almost any other company.

It helped organize  conferences     at which     key regulators overseeing investigations into the company were presented with  pro-Google arguments, sometimes without disclosure of  Google's role.

Among the most effective   -if little examined   -tools in Google's public policy toolbox has been its funding of  non-profit groups from across the political spectrum.

This year, it has donated  to   170 such groups     according to Google's voluntary disclosures on its website.

While Google does not indicate how much  cash was donated, the number of beneficiaries has grown greatly since it started disclosing its donations in 2010, when it gave  45  groups.

Some tech lobbyists think tank officials and scholars argue that the efforts help explain why  Google  has mostly avoided damaging  regulatory and enforcement decisions in the  United States  of the sort levied by the European Union in late June. 

But Google's Washington alliances could be tested in the coming months. Google emerged as the  flash point  in the latest skirmish of the culture wars last moth after one of its   male engineers  pasted a critique of the company efforts to diversify.

And its  data  collection  continues  fueling questions  about its commitment to privacy.

*Then there are mounting concerns about the market dominance of Google*.   

In July, Democratic congressional leaders rolled out a policy platform that included a pledge to dismantle monopolies, including in cable and Internet service,  which some read as a challenge to Google in particular.

That sentiment   -which appears to have some support from populist elements of  President Trump's base   -diverges sharply from the approach that had been taken most Democrats until recently. 

Google's willingness to spread cash around the think tanks and advocacy groups focused on Internet and telecommunications policy has effectively muted, if not silenced, criticism of the company over the past several years, said Marc Rotenberg, the president of  Electronic Privacy Information Center.

His group, which does not accept corporate funding, has played a leading role in calling out  Google and other tech companies with allegations of privacy violations.

But Mr. Rotenberg said it had become increasingly difficult to find partners in that effort, no more groups had accepted Google funding.

''There are simply fewer groups that available to speak about Google's activities that  threaten online privacy.'' Mr. Rotenberg said.

''The groups that should be speaking up aren't.''      

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, researcher Kitty Bennet, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW!   -the Ecosystem 2011: 

''' Future & Fumes '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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