
Headline September 14, 2017/ ''' DIGITAL ANGELS DRAPES '''


*ANGELS OVER VIRTUAL MATTER* : So, let's go and draw the drapes and let some pure light in:

I pull the headset over my eyes and the game begins, and I get transported to a tiny room with white walls. My task is to break out of the room, but I cannot use my hands, and-

Go chasing and playing, in a most coveted grandfatherly manner, ............ *hide and seek*, with these beautiful Angels :

Maynah, Toby, Maria, Ansa, Meher, Ibrahim, Dawood, Masood, Harem, Hannyia, Merium.

How the World around these Angels gets built in the future, would very much depend on the Leadership, sacrifices, focus, and commitment brought forth by :

Merium, Rabo, Saima, Seher, Sarah, Areesha, Dee, Eman, Aqsa, Armeen, Ambassador Malala [Nobel Prize], Aqsa, Sameen, Zainab, Sanyia, Zara, Dantini, Lakshmi, Paras, Sorat........

Hussain, Shahzaib, Ali Ezaaz, Vishnu, Zaeem, Salar, Faraz, Jordan, Marsh, Wajahat, Ehsen, Haider, Mustafa, Hamad, Bilal Malik, Ali HassanUmer- Furqan......

And the entire students of the World.

EDUCATION START-UP BRINGS the world's top museums to beautiful little Angels in China. All Masterly work, if you ever ask the fair minded.

Last weekend : the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and the Musee d'Orsay in Paris. By Wednesday : the National Air and Space Museum of Modern Art in New York and the German Historical Museum in Berlin.

And that's just the half of it.

Children/Students form more than 180,000 Chinese households are on a virtual tour this week of 10 famous museums.

The two-hour daily broadcasts combine slick animations, chips from Chinese academics in a Shanghai studio.

The families each paid Aha School, an education start-up based in Shanghai that produced the shows, the equivalent of $2.85 to watch, and the company is donating the broadcast feed to 174 rural classrooms as public service.

''The children here don't have access to any museums, let alone famous ones, Ma Xiaoyan, a teacher at the Akeli Center School in a rural corner of the south-western province of Schuan, said by telephone.

''For many of them, even going to the closest town is difficult because their families don't have money for travel.''

EDUCATION EXPERTS say the project:

'''100,000 Angels/Kids Touring the World's Top 10 Museums '' -highlights how live-streaming , a technology that is already widely popular on Chinese Social Media platforms, could improve long-distance education in China.''

But educational projects that serve rural areas , however beneficial, also call attention to systematic inequalities in China's educational system, the experts said.

''It's definitely a great model,'' Lingxin Hao, a sociology professor at Johns Hopkins University who studies rural education in China, said of the virtual museum project.

''But all the N.G.O.'s and charities cannot solve the problems because the problems have to be changed by the policy makers in the central government. 

They have to face the problems and redistribute resources.''

The Chinese government has invested heavily in rural education over the past decade, and the physical results are clear in many areas, said Wng Dan, an associate professor at University of Hong Kong.

For example, she said, many schools have received new libraries or other infrastructure upgrades, along with Internet connections, digital projectors and electronic whiteboards.

But many rural teachers have also moved to urban areas, she added, and government incentives to entice teachers to move to remote areas often are not generous enough.

To compensate, experts say, educator's in Chinese cities have been experimenting with programs in which lessons are beamed into rural classrooms.

The Communist Youth League, for example, recently set up a free account on WeChat, a messaging service, that live streams lessons in Chinese, English and mathematics to primary- and secondary-school pupils.

Educational live-streaming.......is growing in China as the medium expands beyond purely and social uses, according to an April report by Daxue Consulting, a market-research firm based in Beijing and Shanghai.

Daxue cited its own analysis of the Chinese live-stream platform YY, in which 32 of 1,051 live-stream feeds on a day in March were related to education.

''Although the ratio of education and technology live streaming is quite small, it's a change from the beginning stages that only................. featured beautiful girls,'' the report said.

The Honor and Serving of the latest Operational Research on Kids/Angels and Technology continues.

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society and.................... Twitter-!E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Education & !WOW! '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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