

By: Zainab

This great American hero broke gender barrier in sports and on the battlefield. And set shining example for the world..

Anne Morrissy Merick : who as a television field producer persuaded the Pentagon to overturn the edict that prevented women in the press corps-

From covering combat during the Vietnam War, died on May 2, in Naples, Fla. She was 83.

Even as a College Student, Ms Morrissy began blazing trails for women. She was the first women to be named  Sports Editor of The Cornell Daily Sun and the first woman admitted to the press box at Yale Bowl.

In Vietnam, Ms Morrissy Merick was working in Saigon for ABC News in 1967 when Gen. William C. Westmoreland  the United States commander there, was horrified to encounter Denby Fawcett, a 24 year old reporter for-

The Honolulu Advertiser, embedded with American troops on a dangerous mission in the Central Highlands. Ms. Fawcett's mother was a friend of the general's wife.

Fearing for their safety, General Westmoreland barred female journalists from remaining overnight on the battlefield.

In effect his order handicapped them from covering combat, because in a guerrilla war, the front could materialize suddenly anywhere and there was no assurance that journalists could be evacuated quickly.

Anne graduated from Cornell in 1955 with a bachelor's degree in philosophy. She was hired by ABC as a producer in 1961, she covered the civil rights movement, presidential primaries and space flights.

Posted to Vietnam later in the 60s, she remained there until 1973.


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