As cinemagoers throng multiplexes to watch second edition of 'Blade Runner' the ground breaking 1982 film by Ridley Scott,-
One of the gadgets it prophecised over 30 years ago is making a profound mark in the real world today.
In a major leap forward in incorporating digital technology in dispensing justice in Pakistan-
A district court in Rawalpindi has acquitted two absconders living abroad after recording their statements online-
Through social media applications -video voice calls were demonstrated in the classic sci-fi thriller, along with Artificial Intelligence -after they reached a compromise with the prosecution in a murder case.
Though there have been several instances where the courts have recorded testimonies through video-links-
The logical next step in the adoption of video voice calls- but this, perhaps is the first time when a court had concluded- a case and-
Passed judgement in the virtual presence of the accused and the actual presence of parties in the courtroom.
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