Jyoti Sanghera, Asia Pacific chief of the Office of the High Commission for Human Rights said just last, Wednesday.
UN High Commissioner Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussain has called the situation ''a textbook example of ethnic cleansing'', but he has not used the word genocide.
''We are yet looking at the legal boundaries of that,'' Sanghera said, ''It could meet the boundaries, but we haven't yet made that legal determination at OHCHR.''
A UN team took witness statements from Rohingya refugees last month, and another human rights mission is currently on the ground, gathering evidence.
''The testimony gathered by the team referred to unspeakable horrors,'' Sanghera told an audience at Geneva's Graduate Institute.
''Even as I speak this evening the world is witnessing a horrific spectacle of massive forced development and suffering.
Designating the Rohingya as victims of genocide under a 1948 UN convention would increase pressure on the international community to take action to protect them and could expose Myanmar officials to a greatest threat of international justice.
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