

Pakistan : The provincial KPK minister alleges federal govt was withholding funds it received from International Donors...........

Despite lapse of 12 years since the October 8, 2005 earthquake, some 1,500 educational institutes are yet to be rebuilt by the provincial or federal government in the Hazara Division.

According to the KPK Elementary and Secondary Education Department's Earth Quake Damaged Schools : Strategy and Non Strategy, report, the number of demolished schools stood at 3,669, out of which 2,909 were Strategy and 760 were Non-Strategy schools.

The report also stated that a total of 2,909 schools are included in Earthquake Reconstruction and  Rehabilitation Authority [ERRA] strategy wherein 1,557 have been completed and 1,352 are under construction.

Out of the 1,352 schools in the non-strategy category, 600 are in the design stage and require Rs 3,482 million while the others need Rs 6,582 million which are yet to be issued by both the provincial and federal government.

About the non-strategy demolished schools, the report stated that the provincial government in its  2014-15 Annual Development Programme had said-

That it would reconstruct 760 non strategy schools at the cost of.......... Rs 27, 824 million, while 50 of these schools have been completed by the KPK government at the cost of Rs 1.5 billion.


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