
USAID Contributing $241m In Education and Health

Pakistan: The United States has contributed $241 million for the development in education and health in Sindh since 2011.

The USAID worked for the Sindh Basic Education Programme (SBEP), Municipal Services Delivery Programme (MSDP) and Jacobabad Institute of Medical Sciences (JIMS) projects.

Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah disclosed the details after review meeting with the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy Islamabad John Hoover and US Consul General in Karachi Grace Shelton on Monday.

“USAID has made some important contributions and I personally monitor all the work taking place under it,” he said.

“The SBEP aims at improving the quality of education and increasing the number of students enrolled in schools. The programme is being implemented in seven districts of northern Sindh and five towns of Karachi.”

The SBEP program from 2012 to September 2018, will support the construction of 106 schools affected by the catastrophic 2010 floods. The program also aims to improve reading and numeracy skills of 750,000 children and ensure enrollment of at least 100,000 girls.


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