
Headline Dec.20/ ''' DIGITAL? -!WOW!- DROWSY?.'''

''' DIGITAL? -!WOW!- DROWSY?.'''

DON'T MARRY FOR MONEY. IT'S CHEAPER TO BORROW, goes this beautiful Scottish proverb. And incontinuation, just *five years ahead*, yes! 5 years ahead:

The World Students Society is destined to grow into the biggest honor and organization mankind ever conceived. Buy it or not!  accept it or not!

In Ten years, yes, 10 years from now, the World Students Society would stand valued at many, many  TRILLIONS of dollars. That is of course, if you all work hard, stay focused, and attempt Great Things.

And all that you attempt, must be in the best interest of humankind, mankind, your respective countries, societies and your very own great-selves. 

!WOW! is the exclusive ownership of every single student in the world, one Share-Peace-Piece, as we mull Global Elections.

Remember, without Global Elections, you will never ever be taken as an elevating serious honor. So, where are the *great students of America* on this exercise?

The great founding host, Proud Pakistan, is ready. So I presume is India, and I do accept, so  is the total far East and Asia and Korea, and the students of Phillippines, Indonesia,................

The World students Society pays it unbound respect to all the Students of the world. All students should definitely look towards joining up on !WOW! -and help build a great world.

Peer to Peer, P2P : We all Go!


Can lending people money actually make for a good investment? With Peer to Peer [P2P] lending platforms, they certainly could!

P2P lending allows any establishment  or  individual to seek out loans from other individuals, without the need to go through the hurdles of financial institutions.

It's not just businesses and start-ups that benefit from P2P. Lenders with the capital to spare could gain sufficient returns through interest. One benefit to investing through P2P platforms is the relatively low entry barrier-

Popular platforms like Lending Club allows for loans as low as US$ 1,000, so investors with few thousands in their savings could technically start investing.

P2P lending is expected to make bigger headway in 2018. For starters, it has increasingly become a go-to form of alternative financing.

Just this month, the  U.K's Alternative Finance Industry Report by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance found that the P2P business lending market grew by 39.8% from Pound 881 million in 2015 to Pound 1.24 billion in 2016, making it the largest segment of alternative finance in the U.K.

Freelance financial adviser Lee Chin Lien predicts that investors looking for more passive income stream could look into P2P lending come 2018.
This is because, in late 2016, the Securities Commission Malaysia introduced six registered P2P financing platform operators in the country.

''Before this, one of the hurdles with P2P lending for Malaysians is that they have to invest through platforms in the US and the UK, which isn't as starightforward as it seems,'' he says.

''Local Platforms not only offer us more options to invest in, but to streamline operations and cut out more of the complications existing right now.

Lee's only concern is that the loan protection from these local providers may not be sufficient.

Lending Club, for example, has over US$ 20 billion in loan insurance, and will do their utmost to reclaim defaulted loans. ''However, I'm sure the regulators and these [P2P] companies have figured out any concerns surrounding defaulting loans,'' he says.


Technology is worth investing in. For example, investors and individuals can take advantage of fintech to boost their income beyond this, technology companies are also good entities to invest in.

Financial adviser and investor, Joan Weber of the Balanced Solution says that many of today's technology companies feature robust earnings growth, strong balance sheets and growing dividends.

''Think of it : there's no part of our lives today that doesn't rely on technology. Tech companies are just going to continue growing and could definitely be part of your portfolio.''

According to Weber, in May 2017, the  Standard & Poor's 500 index is up over  US$1.5 trillion since the start of 2017. The companies doing the most to drive the rally are the tech firms.

Companies such as Alphabet [Google], Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple make up 37% of the total gains.

However, Weber says that instead of purely looking at buying into big tech organizations, investors could also look into tech-related sectors that are expected to see bigger growth in the next year. ''The key to investing in tech is to follow the innovation.''

Which areas are these?  Data analytics would be one.  Major advances in machine-learning algorithm, faster hardware and cheaper computing means that even smaller enterprises could provide date analytics to not only automate their processes, but sell solutions that organizations and clients require.

Yet data analytics adoption is still in its infancy. ''Its potential is endless, and as more organizations adopt data analytics, the more the technology and its providers will grow,'' Weber says.

Another area to look at  cybersecurity. ''Awareness of security is at an all- time high now, thanks to high-profile breaches. And as companies rely on data analytics to power their businesses, cybersecurity organizations will only keep growing,'' notes Weber.

Lastly, Weber says that the semiconductor industry is still a good sector to invest in. The tech industry rests largely on semiconductors, which form the backbone of very computer and smartphone.

With industries like the auto-industry, communications and Internet of things beginning to implement more sophisticated tech, demand for semiconductors will continue to rise.

With respectful dedication to all the Leaders of the Free World, Students, Professors and Teachers. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW! -the ecosystem 2011:

''' Focus & Outlook '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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