

Janice Lo Ueh Yea writes about : *The positive energy of  New Year's resolutions.

'' CHRISTMAS will be here soon, in less than a few days, and the New Year of 2018 is also on the way

As the  holiday season approaches, many people are rejoicing in the festive season, and re-evaluating some of their life choices, including me.

Resolutions are valuable visions because they give us positive energy, and inspire us to see the world in different shades.

Everyone ought to have a resolution, but what of you're not sure what your resolution is? Or what if you've lost hope, and set resolutions aside?

If you're unsure or you've given up, I would like to let you know there's good news.

You can always find or recapture your resolutions, and they can be  big or small  because not all resolutions have to be big to be worth pursuing.

THEY just need to be bigger than you are.

So, allow yourself to begin thinking of a resolution. It can be a promise to change a bad habit like eating less  junk food or   promise to develop a positive habit,  such as  ''serving the community with genuine humility''.

I was grateful for the things I did and had in 2017. The year has been kind to me and with a heavy,  but hopeful heart, I bid 2017 farewell  and await  2018  with a new resolution.

MY resolution is to have one task on my list which can be checked without having led me to ten  more in order to complete that one.

It is a promise that I make for myself to commit, with a goal that is to improve life in the coming New Year.

Here's to thinking boldly and fearlessly.



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