For two nuclear power reactors in Saudi Arabia, three industry sources said.
Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil producer, sent a request for information [RFI] to reactor builders worldwide last month in a first step towards opening a formal tender, Reuters has reported.
A Nuclear newcomer it wants to use atomic power to generate electricity at home so it can export more crude.
Taking part in the tender would be a major step for reactor builder Westinghouse after it went into chapter 11 bankruptcy this year.
US utilities also abandoned two and a half finished Westinghouse AP1000 reactors at VC Summer in the United States.
Toshiba which is looking for a buyer for Westinghouse, also dropped plans to build Westinghouse reactors in Britain and India.
If other companies join US-based Westinghouse in a consortium it would show that they still believe the AP1000 is a viable competitor to French, Russian, South Korean and Chinese reactor models.
Russian and South Korean companies already said that they plan to bid in a deal seen as one of the most promising prospects for the global nuclear industry, which is struggling to find contracts following Japan's Fukushima disaster in 2011.
A bid would also show that the United States remains a player in the small club of nuclear reactor builders in an industry which has important geopolitical and security implications.
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