



AS TECHNOLOGY FAITHFUL GATHER to worship at the Mecca of Innovation, South Korea launches an inspection of-

Six banks over virtual currency services to clients, at Las Vegas-

Jensen Hueng, chief executive of the computer chip and artificial intelligence group Nvidia, said advances in  machine learning have opened up vast possibilities. including the ability of software writing software.

''This means we can solve previously unsolvable  problems.'' Huang told a media event Sunday, ahead of official Tuesday opening of the trade event. 

Some exhibitors envision a world where self-driving cars could be summoned any time of the day, eliminating struggles to find parking or petrol stations..

Machines would tend to the medium of traffic, which would run smoother since vehicles would wirelessly ''talk' to one another to optimize travel efficiency.

A new ''initiative and intelligent'' car from Chinese startup Byton aims to tackle the billions of hours  lost to traffic congestion around the world each year. 

''The times lost ''could'' be used for things which are so much more fulfilling,'' Henrik Wenders, vice president of Byton, said Sunday at one of the first media events at the show. 
While tech is being touted as a solution to many ills, there is also a darker side, noted analyst -Bob O''Donnell of Technology Research.

''Tech is being seen as the cure for everything, but it can also be the cause societal issues,'' O''Donnell said, citing concerns over cybersecurity and a recently revealed flaw in computer chip technology that could leak data.

So, like other prominent AI researchers, the Nvidia team believes the techniques that drive this project will continue to improve in-

The months and years to come, generating  significantly larger and more complex images.

''We think we can push this further, generating not just the photos but 3-D images that can be used in the computer games and films,'' said Jaakko Lehtinen, one of the researchers behind the project..

TODAY, many systems generate images and sounds using a complex algorithm called a neural network. This is a way of identifying patterns in large amounts of data.

By identifying common patterns in thousands of car photos, for instance, a neural network can learn to identify a car. But it can also work in the other direction by using these patterns to generate its own car photos.

As it built a system that generates new celebrity faces, the Nvidia team went a step further in an effort to make them far more believable . 

It set up two neural networks -one that generated the images and another that tried to determine whether those images were real, or fake.

These are called generative adversarial networks, or  GANS. In essence, one system tries its best to fool the other, and the other does it best not to be fooled.

''The computer learns to generate these images by playing a cat-and-mouse game against itself,'' Lehtinen said.

A second team of Nvidia researchers recently built a system that can automatically alter street photo  taken on a summer's day so that it looks like a snowy winter scene.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have designed another system that learns to convert horses into zebras and Monets into Van Goghs.

DeepMind, a London based AI Lab owned by Google, is exploring technology that can generate its own videos. 

And, Adobe is fashioning similar machine-learning techniques with an eye towards pushing them into products like Photoshop, its popular image design tool.

But, new concerns come with the power to create this kind of imagery.

WITH so much attention on fake media these days, we could soon face an even wider range of  fabricated images than we do today.

''The concern is that these techniques will rise to the point where it becomes very difficult to discern  truth from falsity,'' said Tim Hwang, who previously oversaw AI policy at Google and is now-

Director of Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence Fund, an effort to fund ethical AI research.

Researchers are using a wide range of other machine-learning techniques to edit video game in more convincing -and sometimes provocative ways.

IN AUGUST, a group at the University of Washington made headlines when it built a system that could put new words into the mouth of Barrack Obama video.

Others, including Pinscreen, A California start-up and iFlyTek of China, are developing similar techniques using images  United States president Donald Trump.

The results are not completely convincing. But the rapid progress of  GANs and other techniques point to a future where it becomes easier for any one to generate faux  images or doctor the real thing.

THAT is cause for real concern among experts like Hwang.  

With respectful dedication to Wadud Mughal  Chief Executive Officer and Chartered Accountant   :   -*BETTER WORLD MAKERS NETWORK, Singapore, Mr. Haider Naqvi/Sindh, Pakistan, Mr. Nusrat Hussain/Sindh/Pakistan, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

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Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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