
Headline Jan 16, 2018/ ''' *NEW WORLD ORDER* '''


THE SECOND UNITED NATION'S secretary general once said :  

''The UN was created not to lead mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell.'' 

With a heavy heart, at the World Students Society Let's go and see how this great wisdom played  out in conception to execution in the real world.
IN A MAKESHIFT bamboo clinic, small tiny children struggle to draw breath through surgical masks, victims of a forgotten but deadly disease-

*That has torn through the teeming Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh. Diphtheria had been all but eradicated in Bangladesh until last year-

When more than 650,000 Rohingya  poured across the border fleeing a bloody military crackdown in neighboring Myanmar.

And now a DEADLY 'long- lost disease' rages through Rohingya camps.

Packed into an area meant for a much smaller number of refugees and with  just about zero sanitation or healthcare, the new arrivals provided a fertile ground for the highly contagious respiratory disease to take hold...........

It quickly spread through the camps, with the World Health Organization reporting more than 3,600 cases.

The outbreak has already claimed the lives at least 30 refugees, mostly children, while a handful of  Bangladeshis living near the camps have also contracted the disease.

The sufferings of humans the world over continue to grow by leaps and bounds and the tragedy is,   no one seems to have any solution and even answers.

ONE MAIN AND fundamental way, thinks researcher and author Saleh Mohammed, is that The Old Order of governing the world has failed, and it may just be the right :

*Time To Work On  NEW WORLD ORDER*

THE UNITED NATIONS -lovingly called the UN, was negotiated in to existence among the Allied Big Four -

The Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and China at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944.

It was established on Oct 24, 1945, after World War II to promote International cooperation and to create and maintain *international order*.

Its objectives include maintaining international peace  and security, promoting human rights,  fostering social and economic development and protecting the environment.

IT is the largest, most internationally represented and most powerful intergovernmental organization in the entire world.

However, its mission to preserve world peace  was complicate in its early days by the Cold War.

While other organs of the UN can only make ''recommendations'' to member states, the Security Council -UNSC- has the power to make binding decisions.

The UNSC is charged with maintaining peace and security and the five permanent members hold veto power to block adoption of a resolution.

The unconditional veto is undemocratic and is detrimental to balanced political decisions.

*It is said that it is the main cause for international inaction on war crimes and and crimes against humanity.

FOR THE RECORD, the US refused to join the UN in 1945 unless it was given a VETO.

US has used its veto power more than any other permanent member in the since 1972, especially on resolutions condemning the actions or policies of Israel.

One can only marvel at their determination to force democracy on other states and amazed that they can easily use the veto when it concerns Israel.

ON DEC 6, President  Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem's as Israel's capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there.

The decision will surely unsettle prospects of peace in the region.

ON DEC 17, the  US vetoed a draft resolution, calling on countries to avoid establishing embassies in Jerusalem.

A few days later, the UN vetoed  overwhelmingly to condemn the decision despite threats from the  US  to pull funding from the world body.

AGAIN, US is displaying the arrogance of a country that believes that it is better, smarter or more important than other nations of the world.

BY declaring that the  UN vote will not make any difference and blackmailing other countries, US shows arrogance and how out of touch it is with current geopolitical environment.

LET us be reminded that, in order to ensure prompt and effective action by the UN, its members confers on the UNSC primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security-

And agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility the UNSC acts on their behalf.

UNDOUBTEDLY US remains the top donor to UN relief programmes, contributing US$ 4.2 billion or 33% of funds received.

While the US is the biggest financial contributor to UN peace keeping there are only 67 peace keepers from the United States deployed in current peacekeeping operations.

From China : 2,054.

In a 2010 report from the UN Foundation, it is stated that the economic benefit to New York City by having the UN Headquarters there is about US$ 3.3 billion annually.

IN OCTOBER last, US and Israel announced that they were withdrawing their membership of  UNESCO, citing ''continuing anti-Israel bias''. 

It cancelled its financial contribution in 2011 in protest against Palestine's admission as a full member.

US allocated US$3.1 billion in military aid to Israel last year, but allocated only US$400 million in assistance to Palestinian security forces and economic support to the Palestinian Authority.

Given the fact that the US has a habit of bullying other nations, can the UN function effectively and achieve the desired objectives stated above?

There are a few options available :

Member nations can either cancel US membership, critically review the veto power or disband the UN since there seems to be chaos in international order currently.

And work on new body

The Second UN Secretary said :

'' The UN was created not to mankind to  heaven, but to save humanity from hell''.

WHAT is the condition of the suffering people of the world, say, the people in Palestine all this while? 

With respectful dedication to the Secretary General UN, Antonio Guterres, Leaders of the free world, and then Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers. 

See Ya all register on !WOW! -the World Students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:

''' New World Order '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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