Africans woke up on Friday to find President Donald Trump had finally taken an interest in their content. It wasn't what people had hoped for.
Using vulgar language, Trump on Thursday questioned why the U.S. would accept more immigrants, from Haiti and ''shithole countries'' in Africa rather than places like Norway in rejecting a bipartisan deal.
The African union continental body told The Associated Press it was ''frankly alarmed'' by Trump's comments.
''GIVEN the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face all accepted behavior practice,'' AU spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said.
''This is a particularly surprising as the United States of America remains a global example of how migration gave birth to a nation built on strong values of diversity and opportunity.''
African governments quickly found themselves in an awkward position. As top recipients of US aid, some hesitated to jeopardize it by criticizing Trump, especially his administration has sought to slash foreign assistance.
While 40 percent of the world's poor live in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the International Monetary Fund, the region also has billionaires, reality shows and a growing a middle class.
Some quickly decided to own Trump's vulgar language or throw it back in his face.
''GOOD MORNING from the greatest most beautiful 'shit-hole' country in the world!!!''' South African Broadcasting Corporation anchor Leanne Manas tweeted.
''As someone from South Shithole, Trevor is is deeply offended by the president's remarks.'' The Daily Show tweeted of its South African born host, Trevor Noah.
In Kenya, East Africa's economic hub, political activist Boniface Mwangi, pleaded :
''Please don't confuse the shithole leaders we Africans elect with our beautiful continent.''
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