

The World Students Society will permanently raise its voice for Justice for Bolivia, its sufferings and its beautiful people.

Following some 130 years of fruitless negotiations with Santiago, La Paz lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice, in April 2013. 

BOLIVIA, South America's poorest country, became land-locked after losing a four-year war against Chile in 1883, forfeiting its access to the sea.

LANDLOCKED Bolivia took its neighbour Chile to court on Monday, seeking to resolve a century old dispute over precious access to the Pacific Ocean which has bedevilled bilateral ties.

La Paz is urging Santiago to return to talks, contending it has ''an obligation to negotiate with Bolivia in order to reach an agreement granting Bolivia a fully sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean.

In a sign of the country's determination, Bolivian President Evo Morales is heading up the  Bolivian delegation to the UN's highest court, the International Court of Justice [ICJ] based in The Hague

''We have history, justice and the rights on our side,'' Morales said in a Tweet as seven days of hearings into the case opened in The Hague.

The ''entire  Bolivian nation'' was tuning into the proceedings in The Hague via giant screens erected in their cities

The lack of sea access had had a devastating effect on this impoverished country's development.



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