*AND SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY* - SO brilliantly illuminates that the Key to weight loss is quality of diet and in one very recent-
Study suggests avoiding processed foods and not worrying about the calories. For anyone who has ever been on a diet knows that -
The standard prescription for weight loss is to reduce the amount calories you consume.
More on this, in the latest research, and that in the the very immediate future [a study and research that stands apart because it did not set restrictive carbohydrate, fat or caloric limits],
In the meanwhile -
''Zilli, say hello to and move all *Beta Lists* to Juniper, in Japan, and have her save everything for future publishing on *The World Students Society*, - most lovingly and respectfully called, !WOW! - the entire world over.''
REPEAT AN ACTION AND the signals between the cells maintaining the memory of that action can strengthen.
That is learning.
NEUROSCIENTISTS have known for some time that the potency of our synapses depends to some degree on how we live our lives.
Lack of sleep. alcohol, diet and other aspects of our lifestyles. especially stress, may dampen the flow of messages between brain cells, while practice fortifies it
Repeat an action and the signal between the cells maintaining the memory of that action can strengthen. That is learning, for sure.
EXERCISE HAS BEEN SHOWN IN MANY, many studies to improve both *Learning and Memory* But only a few past animal studies have closely tracked changes to synapses after exercise and-
None looked simultaneously at stress, leaving the results unrepresentative of actual life, which always contain some amount of stress.
So, for the new study, which was published this month in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, gathered healthy, male mice.
They divided the animals into groups.
Some, as a control, continued with their normal rodent lives. Others began running at will on wheels in their cages; mice seem to enjoy running and these eagerly covered about three miles a day.
After month, some of the sedentary animals were exposed to three days of stressful experiences.
These mostly involved some type of mild restraint, which makes prey animals like mice understandably anxious.
The researchers were trying to simulate relatively chronic stress with the animals, somewhat like what most of us might feel with ongoing work pressures or other anxieties.
Some of the runners were also restrained and stressed.
Then, to see if any changes to the animals synapses would be reflected in their lived experience, the researchers had some mice from each group learn a maze with a treat in one hidden corner.
Finally, the researchers looked microscopically at the operations of the synapses joining the neurons in the animals' hippocampi.
By electrically stimulating some of the isolated cells, they could see how many and what types of messages jumped between them.
It was immediately clear that three days of chronic stress had reduced the effectiveness of the synapses in the stressed-out, sedentary animals, compared to those from the control mice.
Their intracellular connections were much weaker.
The unstressed runners, on the other hand, now had the strongest, busiest synapses, suggesting that their ability to learn and remember would be higher than the other animals.
Perhaps most interesting, the animals that had run and also experienced chronic stress had synapses that resembled those from the normal, unstressed control group.
They were not as strong as those from the never-stressed runners but much stronger than those from the animals that had been stressed but not exercised.
Behaviorally, the runners, stressed or not, also learned the location of the treats in the maze more quickly than the sedentary animals did, and remembered it more rapidly and accurately several weeks later.
Over all, it seems that exercise had improved the animals memories, even in the face of stress, by bulking up their synapses and buffering the negative effects that stress otherwise -
Would have had on those neural connections, said Roxanne Miller, who led the study as part of her doctoral research at Brigham Young University.
It is not yet clear, though, she said, how exercise changed the animals' synapses at a molecular level.
Researchers did find increases in the activity of certain genes and the levels of some proteins in the brains of the runners that could have contributed to the changes in synapses, she said.
With respectful dedication to the :
Honorary Global President for the week on The World Students Society : Ms Sajida Sultan Abbasi, the revered mother of Merium, Rabo, Haider and Aqsa and then the-
Leaders, Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW! - The World Students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW! -the Ecosystem 2011:
'' Winners & !WOW! '''
Good Night and God Bless
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