
Headline March 11, 2018/ ''' GENERATIONAL WRECKAGE GEOSPHERE '''



''I DON'T BELIEVE IN POLITICIANS ; they have been corrupted. I don't believe in intellectuals; they have been corrupted,'' said one young student at Yale.......

But lest I proceed further, just allow me the liberty to blow one small toot, for the students of the world.

*REMEMBER : DEMOCRACY THRIVES ON MORE DEMOCRACY* - and so The World Students Society - would be so designed as the most democratic organization in the good Lords, entire Universe -

*Total and complete power lies with the students*. And students alone. 

And after the *Global Elections* with your elected representatives. Nothing ever happens without the consent and vote of the students..

*THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY* - most lovingly and respectfully called, !WOW! - the whole world over,  belongs, as an exclusive honor and  ownership -

To every- student in the entire world :
*One Share-Piece-Peace*. 

TODAY'S STUDENTS.... led by : Merium, Rabo, Zilli, Dee, Haleema, Saima, Sarah, Seher Khan/UK,   Zainab, Naila, Eman, Nadia,  Armeen-

Lakshmi/India, Sameen, Shabano, Nina, Zainab, Dantini/Malaysia, Sonia/Bangladesh, Aqsa-

Hussain, Shahzeb, Bilal, Ali, Jordan, Salar, Sherayar Khan, Zaeem, Faraz, Wajahat, Usha Malik,  Vishnu/India, Umer, Umair Nasir,

Majeed/Malysia, Reza/Canada, Ghazi, Danyial/UK, Mustafa, Ibrahim, Toby/China Ghazi,...and with-

*Little founder Angels : Maynah, Maria Imran, Harem, Ibrahim, Masood, Dawood, Haannyia and    Merium*.

And for now, these *Leader Students* are all set and resolved to redeem the world for greatness.

*But for now  the world also so discerns......., A  generation of students emerging from a terrible wreckage* the world over.

All great changes in nations and the world, have begun with the emergence and rise of The World Students Society...............

I'VE BEEN GOING AROUND to campuses asking undergraduate and graduate students how they see the world. Most of the students I've met with so far are at super-competitive schools -

Harvard - Yale - the University of Chicago, and Davidson - so this is a tiny slice the rising generation. Still, their comments are striking.

The first thing to say is that this is a generation with diminished expectations. Their lived experience includes the Iraq war, the financial crises, police brutality and Donald Trump-

A series of moments when the big institutions failed to provide basic security, competence and accountability, writes master researcher and author David Brooks.

'' We're the school shooting generation,'' one Harvard student told me. Another said : ''Wall Street tanked the country and no one got punished. The same with the government.''

I found little faith in large organizations. ''I don't believe in politicians; they have been corrupted. I don't believe in intellectuals; they have been corrupted.'' said one young woman at Yale.

I asked a group of students from 30 countries which of them believed that the people running their country were basically competent, Only one young man, from Germany, raised a hand.

''The utopia of our parents is the dystopia of our age.'' a Harvard student said, summarizing the general distemper.

It's not the students are hopeless. They are dedicating their lives to social change. It's just that they have trouble naming institutions that work.

A number said they used to have a lot of faith in the tech industry, but they have lost much of it.

''The Occupy strategy was such a visible failure, it left everyone else feeling disillusioned,'' one lamented. ''We don't even have a common truth. A common set of facts,'' added another.

The second large theme was the loss of faith in the American idea.

I told them that when I went to public school the American history curriculum was certainly liberal, but the primary emotion was gratitude.

We were the lucky inheritors of Jefferson and Madison, Whitman and Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Kennedy and King.

Our ancestors left oppression, crossed a wilderness and are trying to build a promised land.

They looked at me like I was from Mars.

''That's the way powerful white males talk about America.'' one student said. When I asked how they were taught American history, a few said they weren't taught much of it.

''In my high school education the American Revolution was a rounding error.'' one young woman said.

Others made it clear that the American story is mostly a story of oppression and guilt.

''You come to realize the U.S. is this incredibly imperfect place, I don't have a sense of being proud to be an American.''

Others didn't recognize an American identity at all : ''The U.S. doesn't have a unified culture the way other places do,'' one said.

I asked them to name the defining challenge of their generation. 

Several mentioned the decline of the nation-state and the threats to democracy. A few mentioned  inequality, climate change and spiritual crisis of meaning.

''America is undergoing a renegotiation of the terms and who is powerful,'' a women/student from the  University of Chicago astutely observed.

I asked the students what change agents they had faith in........

The Honor and Serving of the latest Operational Research on Students, Life and Living continues. And The World Students Society thanks the researcher and master author David Brooks, for the insights.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all  on !WOW! - the World Students Society and Twitter - !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Redeems & Remorse '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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