
Headline March 21, 2018/ ''' GOOGLE *CHROME* GOURMET '''


''MERIUM -RABO- DEE - Haleema- Saima- Seher Khan/ Kings College, UK, Eman/ LUMS, Armeen/LUMS, ...... NOW, you great heroes-

A CLASSIC TIME, may soon be upon us, as the *World holds its breath*, to grow the Ecosystem:2011, into a formidable and *World Class* endeavor.''

MARKET CAPITALIZATION of the greatest organization of the world, in the making, of course, The World Students Society : Zero : !WOW!.

On *Proud Pakistan's* National Day, time enough to say a respectful hello, and make acquaintance of these outstanding humans :

Mr. Wadood Mughal, Singapore, Senior lecturer  Hammad Khan/ UK, Qazi Ahmed Akber Khan/ Islamabad, Haider Naqvi/Karachi/Sindh, Shahzaib Khan/ US.

Around  *Proud Pakistan's National Day*, I would outline *Policy & Plans*, on how best to go forward, because- The World is changing at a very fast clip.

Outsized returns delivered by Amazon-com, Netflix and other heavyweight technology stocks have made them heroes on Wall Street, but some-

Strategists warn that investors reliance on them exacerbates the risk of steep down turn.

Amazon's 35 percent surge in 2018 has pushed its market capitalization up to $770 billion, equivalent to 3 percent of  S&P 500 and close behind Apple's nearly 4 percent share of the index.

Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google-parent Alphabet have grown their collective value by more than 40 percent in the past year to $3 trillion, and they now account for a quarter of the Nasdaq composite Index.

AS ADVERTISING HAS become more intrusive in recent years hundreds of millions of web users have installed ad-blocking software to ward off-

Full-page pop-ups blaring video pitches that start automatically and large ads with unstoppable countdown clocks that obscure the content you actually want to see.

Some two weeks ago, Google did something about the problem : The company updated its browser,  Google Chrome, so that it bans such ads by default on mobile devices and desktop computers.

The change will probably improve the average person's Internet day - and give the tech giant an even greater role in shaping the web.

The update to Chrome, first announced last year, is not a universal ad-blocker, the company insisted, but a filter.

It will affect only those websites that allow four types of desktop ads and eight types of mobile ads that violate standards established by a group called the Coalition of Better Ads, of which Google is a member {as is Facebook}.

''By focusing on filtering out disruptive ad experiences, we can help keep the entire ecosystem of the web healthy, and give people a significantly better user experience than they have today,'' Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, a Google vice-president, wrote in a blog post on Feb 13.

''We believe that these changes will not only make Chrome better for you, but also improve the web  for everyone.''

For the most part, the update has been embraced by the industry. After all, it seems like a win for publishers, quality advertisers and users alike.

But Google did not become the creator of the world's most popular browser and a dominant advertising force by running its business in a manner that did not serve its own interests.

With the Chrome update, the company hopes to come out ahead by lessening the temptation of web users to to install more comprehensive ad-blocking software.

In other words, Google is betting that ridding the web of especially intrusive ads will render it more hospitable to advertising in general - and more profitable for advertisers and Google itself.

The new filters will be rolled out gradually to the browser's hundreds of millions of users.

Website operators had a few months before the introduction to become compliant; going forward. those who violate the standards will be given 30 days to get inline.

If they don't Google will demonstrate its leverage not by simply removing offending ads from a noncompliant site, but by disabling all of its ads.

Revenue to the offending websites would presumably plummet as a result.

Utilizing Chrome's popularity in this way is yet another example of Google's singular position in the modern web.

''Chrome literally exists to protect Google's advertising business,'' said Mark Mayo, a vice president at Mozilla, the company behind the web browser Firefox, a competitor to Chrome.

''Google has done a tremendous amount of stuff - their products are web-based - and probably most of it positive, but what we've also seen, obviously, is a tremendous centralization.''

The Honor and Serving of the latest *Operational Research* on Technology, The World, and Policy and Planning continues. And with may thanks to researcher and author John Herrman.

With respectful dedication to these great humans the world over, Lt. Gen [R} Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Businessman Sultan Abbasi, Scientist and Technologist, Munawer, Scientist and Technologist Dr. Masod Reza, Businessman Nusrat Hussain Mangi -

Businessman Alamgir Khan, Engineer Shahid Shakoor, Engineer and Technologist Imran Basit, M Fahim Khan, Naveed Iqbal Querishi/KSA, Engineer Saleem Khan Kasuriya, Dr. Iftikhar A Khan Engineer Dr. Imran Bukhari,

Amin Malik/Chicago, Dr. M Jawaid Khan/California, Engineer and Technologist Amaar Bari Khan/Apple, Technologist Dr. Auon Muhammed Akhter, Canada, and Imran Khan. Head of the Capital Markets/Asia,

See Ya all ''register'' on !WOW! - the World Students Society and Twitter-!E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

'''World Works '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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