

President Putin tells West : * I don't want arms race .*

Russian President Vladimir Putin struck a softer tone towards the rest on Monday after winning his biggest ever election victory, saying-

He had no desire for an arms race and would do everything he could to resolve differences with other countries.

Putin's victory which comes at a time when his relations with the West are on a hostile trajectory, will extend his political dominance of Russia by six years to 2024.

That will make him the longest serving ruler since  Soviet  dictator Joseph Stalin and has raised Western fears of spiralling confrontation.

But Putin, 65, used a Kremlin meeting with the candidates he soundly defeated in Sunday's elections to signal his desire to focus on domestic, not international matters, and to try to raise living standards by-

Investing more in education, infrastructure and health while reducing defence spending.

''Nobody plans to accelerate an arms race,'' said Putin.

''We will do everything to resolve all the differences with our partners by using political and  diplomatic channels.''

His comments, which are likely to be heard with some scepticism in the West following years of confrontation, mark a change in tone after bellicose election campaign during which-

Putin unveiled new nuclear weapons he said could strike almost any point in the world.

Russia is currently at odds with the West over Syria and Ukraine; allegations of Cyber attacks and meddling in foreign elections; and the poisoning in Britain of a former -

Russian spy and his daughter. As a result, relations with the West have hot a post-Cold-War low.



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