

The Grey List Failure :

PAKISTAN faced an enormous foreign policy failure recently when it was placed on the 'grey list'  of the Financial Action Task Force [FATF] -
A Global Money Laundering Watchdog.

The failure of the country's foreign policy is of such a 'catastrophic nature' that even China abandoned Pakistan and supported India and the US in their efforts to place Pakistan on the list of countries considered-

High risk and non-cooperative in terms of measures taken to stop terrorist-financing.

Initially the FATF  had decided not to place Pakistan on the grey list due to the opposition of Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia.

This decision was supposed to be confidential, writes Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, and it was to be announced along with the other decisions after the three-day  'closed door* conference was over. 

However, the protocol and 'confidentiality' of this decision, it is alleged was not honored, which got the members to show Pakistan in a very bad light.

In a very unusual move, a second meeting was called to reconsider the sanctions on Pakistan   -the decision was then reversed. The restrictions will be applicable on Pakistan from June this year.

The decision has shocked everyone.

The enormous sacrifices rendered by Pakistan in the fight against terrorism have, alas, been totally ignored.

According to a report published by    the    Nobel-Prize- winning organization,  International Physicians for the  Prevention of Nuclear War along with  Physicians for Social Responsibility  and Physicians for Global Survival at least-

80,000 Pakistanis have been killed in the war on terror.

This report, from a neutral international organization, should have been circulated among all the  FATF  members as a proof of Pakistan's commitment against terrorism as a proof of-

Pakistan's commitment against terrorism and its enormous sacrifices.


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