

*ALMOST NO ONE is making a living on YouTube*.

IN MUSIC, song streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music
have mostly benefited superstar acts.

No one needs to fight a music label to get their song distributed, but getting listeners is a very different problem.

Less than one percent of songs represented 86pc of the music streamed last year, according to the  market research firm Nielsen.

And since no one buys music these days, making even a little money from streaming requires songs to be played millions of times.

That's hurt the industry's middle-of-the-road acts the most, the kind of musician who once could eke out a decent living selling several thousand albums, a year and touring the nation without ever breaking into the mainstream.

Increasingly, such acts face the pressure of going viral or going home.

IN TELEVISION  -so many new shows are being made than no can watch them all; nearly  500  scripted original series were aired last year.

The traditional networks are being challenged by cable outlets and streaming services.

That's led to a plenty of  new opportunities for actors and writers. But the new era some distinct challenges. including shorter seasons and less predictable schedules that make it harder for many to make ends meet.

Competition among creators on YouTube is fierce, and that's also led to trouble.

IN FEBRUARY,  YouTube suspended all advertising on channels run by Logan Paul, one of its biggest stars, after a series  of controversies, including videos he made-

Showing his visit to a so-called suicide forest in Japan and jokes about eating Tide detergent pods.

Another star, Felix Kjellberg, known as   PewDielPie, was found to have used a  racial epithet  and made  anti-Semitic  jokes in some of his gaming videos, and-

His planned series on the pay channel YouTube Red was cancelled.

The Honor and Serving continues to Part [3].


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