

GOOGLE COUNTS on open dialogue to strengthen products and morale, and prides itself on  fostering an environment in which-

Subordinates can challenge managers. Debates about politics and science flow freely on its private, online discussions boards.

But discussions have become more hostile and abusive since an engineer on internal forums last summer, wrote that women are biologically unsuited for technology jobs.

Google fired the engineer, James Damore, for perpetuating stereotypes, sparking more heated conversations.

Organizers of the campaign said at least 100 employees have taken part in  private and private and online discussions of potential fixes.

But they also said Google may wait to change policies until recent lawsuits filed by Damore and others are resolved. 

''My coworkers and I are having our right to a safe workplace being endangered,'' said staff site reliability engineer Liz Fong-Jones, one of the lead organizers.

She said employees experience stress and fear of physical reprisal when internal conversations are leaked to media, sometimes with writers names.

Google spokeswoman  Gina Seigliano  declined to comment on the proposals but said the company already limits what employees can say in the workplace.

''We enforce strong policies and work with affected employees to ensure everyone can do their work free of harassment, discrimination and bullying,'' she said.

Matt Stone, a software engineer at Google who was on disability leave last year; said he returned in January to  ''alien  environment'' in which protections for disabled and transgender individuals were up for debate.

''We've been taken under siege   in a war we didn't even know we're in. a war we didn't even want,'' he. said.
''We want it to stop.''

Two other employees said they have reduced posting on company forums out of fear of becoming bigger targets. It is not clear if the internal harassment debate has effected recruitment and retention of employees.

The Research publishing continues.


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