

SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO LTD tipped a surprise record first-quarters profit on Friday but market reaction was muted due to growing concerns -

That the semi-conductor boom that has driven the South Korean tech giant's earnings is about to end.

Samsung shares fell after the announcement as analysts forecast similar or lower profit in the second quarter, due to slower growth in-

DRAM chip prices and higher marketing costs for the flagship Galaxy S9 smartphone.

''Even if the profits start falling in the second half, Samsung will have a strong balance sheet this year,'' said Myung-sup, analyst at HI & Investment Securities, predicting looser supply of DRAM chips to start driving down prices.

The global semiconductor leader and Apple Inc smartphones rival forecast January-March profit to leap 57.6 percent from a year earlier to 15.6 trillion won {$14.7 billion}, beating an average forecast of -

14.5 trillion won from a Thomson Reuters survey of 21 analysts [Agencies].


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