

RESCUERS who pulled a young Thai Students/ Football team from deep inside a flooded cave were dismantling their worksite Thursday, as plans emerged-

To turn the spot into a Museum in tribute to the daring operation.

At least one film production house was already working on a scheme to make a Holywood treatment out of the heroes of divers, cavers and medics who risked their lives to free the Wild Boars.

Stunning footage of the rescue released Wednesday showing the youngsters - aged 11 to 16 - being stretched to safety.

They were also seen sitting cheerfully in their hospital beds, where they are being kept in isolation until doctors are sure they did not pick any nasty diseases during more than two weeks in the dark.

Workers were Thursday packing up the industrial water pumps, heavy grade machinery and construction equipment at the mouth of Tham Luang cave, which had been a high-tech command centre during the 18 day ordeal.

Rescue chief Narongsak Osottanakorn told reporters the site  would ultimately be converted into a  Museum showcasing the clothes and equipment used during the dramatic rescue.

"I believe it will become another highlight in Thailand, "he said.

"Tourists will come visit." About 50 people were working at the site, National Park Ranger Pinitpong Wongma  told  AFP, adding that he expected  work would continue until at least a few more days.

"Nobody is allowed to go inside the cave at all even though there is still a lot of  of equipment there because water levels have been rising since the rescue mission," he said.

All in  all, A Very Inspiring Story of Pure Heroism"".


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