'' 'GOOGLE'S 20 *GONGS* ' ''
SAN FRANCISCO : Google celebrated its 20th birthday last Monday, marking two decades in which it has grown from-
Simply a better way to explore the Internet to a - Search engine so woven into daily life its name had become a verb.
The company was set to mark its 20th anniversary with an event in San Francisco devoted to the future of online search, promising a few surprise announcements.
Starting The Engine : Larry Page and Sergey Brin were students at Stanford University - known for its location near Silicon Valley - when they came up with an idea, a way to efficiently index and search the Internet.
The duo were beyond simple counting the number of times keywords were used, developing software that took into account factors such as relationships between webpages to help determine where they should rank in search results.
Google was launched in September 1998 in a garage rented in the Northern California city of Menlo Park.
The name is a play on the mathematical term ''googol'', which refers to the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.
Google reportedly ran for a while on computer servers at Stanford, where a version of the search had been tested.
And Silicon Valley legend has it that Brin and Page offered to sell the company early on for a million dollars or so, but no deal came together.
Google later moved it's headquarters to Mountain View, where it now remains.
In August 2014, Google went public on the Stock Market with the shares priced at $85. Shares in the multi-billion-dollar company are now being trading above $1,000.
Its early code of conducted included a now-legendary ''don't be evil'' clause. Its stated mission is to make the world's information available to anyone.
The company hit a revenue mother lode with tools that target online ads based on what users reveal and let marketeers pay only if people clicked on links in advertising.
Google Dominance :
Share of desktop search traffic...........
.94.4% for India, Brazil, Spain,Italy, Australia, Germany.
86.4% for France, Canada, Hong Kong, UK.
78.8% for US, Japan.
52.75% for South Korea.
39.0% for Russia.
5.7% for China.
Maps and More : It has now launched an array of offerings including Maps, Gmail. the Chrome Internet browser, and an Android mobile device operating system that is free for smartphone or tablet makers.
Google also makes premium Pixel smartphones to showcase Android, which dominates the market with handsets made by an array of manufacturers.
Meanwhile, it bought the 18-month old YouTube video sharing platform in 2006 in a deal valued at $1.65 billion -which seemed astronomical at the time but has proven shrewd as entertainment moved online.
The Honor and Serving of the latest Operational Research on Google continues. The World Students Society thanks AFP.
With respectful dedication to Google, its Board of Directors, shareholders, users and then Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all ''register'' on : wssciw.blogspot.com - The World Students Society for every subject in the world and.........
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''!WOW! To GOOGLE'''
Good Night and God Bless
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