

ACCORDING to key teachings of some major world religions, humans are considered to be the crown of creation.

Man has been bestowed with potential capacity of knowing his origins, maintaining and developing his status and above all acquiring spirituality.

These are the prime goals of all education in Islam.

However, the present-day education system is mainly directed towards social uplift. This has made  today's man highly competitive but self-centered and busy in the rat race.

It is the frantic pace of modern life that leads to more greed in the hearts and minds of people and the ultimate result is a stressful life.

Therefore, the present day education system needs some revisiting.

The basic element of spirituality is required to be incorporated in curricula whereby the present generation may get a sense of all-encompassing divinity.

It makes human grateful to their Lord  This brings satisfaction in life while ungratefulness ruins life. The Holy Quran reprimands such a person who is ungrateful to his Lord and Bears witness to this fact.

Gratefulness in all circumstances is the first step in the direction of spiritual education. It can be started as early as when the child is in his or her mother's lap.

The child may be taught in the early years that the mother's lap is the greatest gift of Allah for an infant. This would impact his whole life and the child would remain submissive to Allah.

According to a recent research, a child develops more quickly than at any other time in his or her life, from the moment of birth to the age of two, three or four years. This means that a nation needs to create the capacity to look after a young children immediately after their birth.

It is a commitment to the future of the nation so that children become an asset to society.

During the early childhood years,,  spiritual education can be imparted more easily as the child's involvement with the outer world is not so much. 

Today, we live in a  civilised world, but, unfortunately, observe countless uncivilised acts on a daily basis.

In many parts of the world, the law of the jungle or deep sea prevails. In the jungle, the lion is known as the king because of  its might and violent behaviour.

In its presence, all other animals become fearful as it devours them. Similarly, in the deep sea a big fish eats up smaller fish. With the present system of education, this world has come to resemble a jungle or the sea where the system of existence is based on might.

If one is mighty, strong and powerful, then one is considered great. The education system can address such aberrations.

The honor and serving of the latest  operational research on Education continues. The World Students Society thanks author Amin Valliani.


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