SIR : In Degree College Turbat/Pakistan, there are many orphan students who are coming for getting education. In fact, their behaviour is so good with teachers and other students.
They are also very talented students in the college.
Unfortunately. they don't have enough money to buy books and other things.
Their helpless mothers are sewing clothes from dawn to dusk to contribute for their higher education. Haplessly, they don't have two times food for eating.
When I saw those students, then tears came out from my eyes. Because, when I saw them, their eyes were full of tears and fears if they could ever read further.
Therefore, we all students request the government of Balochistan to do something specially for those students who are orphaned and give them funds for their higher education.
The World Students Society Lightsup and thanks Student Najeeb Waheed Zamurani for his email communication.
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